14 March 2019 (Vancouver, British Columbia) – In reaction to the B.C. government rubber-stamping the logging of over 300 new cutblocks in the critical habitat of southern mountain caribou while negotiating conservation plans for some of those areas, Eduardo Sousa, Senior Forest Campaign with Greenpeace Canada, said:

“It is disingenuous of the B.C. government to say they’re working on caribou conservation plans while at the same time giving the go-ahead to logging in some of these very same areas, which are the habitat of the threatened southern mountain caribou. If the province was genuinely concerned about protecting and recovering caribou, they should have rejected these cutblocks. The government needs to wake up and take this caribou crisis seriously before we reach the point of no return.”



For more info:

Marie Moucarry, Communications Officer, Greenpeace Canada, 438-993-6127, [email protected]