February 22, 2019 (VANCOUVER) – In response to the Trans Mountain Expansion Project reconsideration hearing (ordered by the Federal Court of Appeal) which today announced it will impose 156 conditions on the Project if it is approved, and has made 16 new recommendations to the Government of Canada, Greenpeace Canada Climate & Energy campaigner, Mike Hudema comments:

“This was a flawed, truncated process that repeated the mistakes of the first review and was designed to give a predetermined answer. The NEB found the pipeline and tanker project would have ‘significant adverse environmental effects on the Southern resident killer whale and on Indigenous cultural use’, and that ‘greenhouse gas emissions from Project-related marine vessels would likely be significant’ yet they rubber stamped it anyway. There is no legitimacy in a process that limited voices and evidence and put the wants of politicians ahead of the protection of whales and marine wildlife, our environment, and the safety of our global climate. This decision sets the stage for the same litany of court challenges that thwarted the first approval and will result in significant delays. As costs to the taxpayer continue to mount the Prime Minister would be wise to step away from this project before those costs, and the costs to the climate, get any bigger.”


Press Contact:

Loujain Kurdi, Greenpeace Canada, Communications Officer, [email protected], +1 (514) 577-6657.