In reaction to Canada’s leading oil and gas executives testifying on their contribution to the climate crisis while amassing billions in profits, Salomé Sané, Climate Campaigner for Greenpeace Canada said:

“Big Oil executives evaded every question about their responsibility in fuelling the climate crisis and the costs of climate inaction while refusing to commit to any specific investments in reducing emissions or renewable energy. This charade has to stop. It is untenable for communities to bear the costs of extreme weather like flood damage to homes or emergency wildfire evacuations, while greedy fossil fuel companies continue to exacerbate the climate crisis. We need the Canadian government to step up and hold Big Oil accountable by making them pay into a new Climate Recovery Fund. This fund would provide financial support directly to communities and local governments to repair, rebuild, and adapt to future climate change impacts.”


For more information please contact:

Philippa Duchastel de Montrouge, Communications Officer, Greenpeace Canada, [email protected], +1 (514) 929-8227