10 December 2018 (Toronto, CANADA)  –  As the UN climate talks in Poland entered their second week, Greenpeace activists projected a message to world leaders at COP24 demanding urgent action to turn the tide on the worsening climate emergency.

Activists projected the words: ‘Politicians Talk, Leaders Act’ and ‘No Hope Without Climate Action’ onto the roof of the COP24 venue, the Spodek, in Katowice. The activity took place as the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights dawned in the Asia-Pacific region, where some of the world’s most climate vulnerable people are calling for countries to align their national climate action targets with the 1.5°C target.

Greenpeace Canada Climate & Energy Senior Strategist, Keith Stewart, said: 

“While there are some bright spots, Canada’s current efforts fall far short of what scientists and doctors are telling us is required to protect our health and meet our commitments under the Paris climate agreement. Rather than finding new ways to prop up the oil industry, Canada needs to implement climate solutions that are as big as the problem. This requires great public transit and vehicles powered by 100 percent renewable energy; homes, offices and factories that produce as much clean energy as they use; durable products that aren’t thrown away moments after purchase; and genuine progress on Indigenous reconciliation. We need a Green New Deal.”

Greenpeace International’s head of delegation at COP24 in Katowice (Poland), Jens Mattias Clausen said:

“We’ve reached the crunch moment for not only COP24, but for the world, to deliver the kind of climate action we’re in desperate need of. This is a climate emergency and only through a shared commitment to action will we prevent a system collapse.

“There’s no excuse for divisions not to be bridged here in Katowice. While a lot of politicians talk about climate action, their words fail to inspire hope and ring like empty promises in the COP24 corridors unless they stand up and be counted.

“What we need is a strong commitment to ramp up the current grossly insufficient climate plans by 2020 at latest, a strong set of rules to govern action and real money for real action so that we get to work rescuing our climate. Those who irresponsibly fail to deliver or negligently try and block climate action will be held accountable.”

Greenpeace is calling for:

  • Commitment to strengthen national climate plans (NDCs) in line with 1.5 degrees as soon as possible and no later than 2020
  • A strong rulebook with environmental integrity that supports real action on the ground
  • Scaled-up and predictable finance and support for poor and vulnerable countries


Photos can be accessed here

Media Contact:

Loujain Kurdi, Greenpeace Canada, [email protected], +1 514-577-6657

Aaron Gray-Block, Greenpeace International, [email protected], +61 437 845 150

Greenpeace International Press Desk, [email protected], phone: +31 (0) 20 718 2470 (available 24 hours)