MONTREAL – In reaction to the final outcome of the 28th Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP28), Greenpeace said:

Keith Stewart, Senior Energy Strategist, Greenpeace Canada:

“It is the best and worst of times, and Canada’s actions reflect this COP of two parts. On one hand, we have the first commitments to transitioning away from fossil fuels, strong renewables targets and the first funds committed to covering the loss & damage of climate change wreaked on those least responsible for creating it. On the other, there is no commitment to a full, fast and fair fossil fuel phase-out and the 700 million USD pledged to the Loss & Damage fund falls far, far short of the trillions that will be needed to build back from what is now unavoidable harm. Behind all this, the fossil fuel industry has for decades succeeded in preventing governments from taking the action necessary to first avoid and now reduce climate chaos. Despite the COP28 presidency being run by a big oil CEO and more than 2,400 fossil fuel lobbyists in attendance, the majority of countries, communities and activists from across the world were able to push through significant developments – even if they are far from enough.

Trudeau’s government used this year’s COP as a stage to propose the much awaited emissions cap and methane regulations, but Canada is built on the colonial, extractive practices that make the fossil fuel industry possible and the new proposals fall far short of taking us off that path. In the wake of the deeply insufficient yet historic agreement to transition away from fossil fuels and the first pledges to the Loss and Damage Fund, the Canadian government must not waste any time finding new funds to ensure Canada pays its fair share, including by making our profiteering fossil fuel industry pay for the havoc it’s knowingly been wreaking for decades.” 

Kaisa Kosonen, Greenpeace International: 

“The signal that the fossil industry has been afraid of is there: ending the fossil fuel era, along with a call to massively scale up renewables and efficiency this decade, but it’s buried under many dangerous distractions and without sufficient means to achieve it in a fair and fast manner.

You won’t find the words ‘phase out’ in the text, but that’s what the equitable transition away from fossil fuels in line with 1.5°C and science will necessitate, when implemented sustainably. And that’s what we’re determined to make happen, now more than ever.

The outcome leaves poorer countries well short of the resources they will need for renewable energy transition and other needs. For the many goals of the agreement to be realised, rich countries will need to significantly step up financial support and make fossil fuel polluters pay. Only last year the fossil fuel industry made $4 trillion in profits, and they need to start paying for the harm and destruction they have caused.

This is not the historical deal that the world needed: It has many loopholes and shortcomings. But history will be made if all those nearly 130 countries, businesses, local leaders and civil society voices, who came together to form an unprecedented force for change, now take this determination and make the fossil fuel phase out happen. Most urgently that means stopping all those expansion plans that are pushing us over the 1.5°C limit right now.”

Ghiwa Nakat, Executive Director, Greenpeace MENA, said: 

“COP28 has sent an unprecedented signal to the world that the curtain has been raised for the end of the fossil fuel era. We commend the efforts of the COP presidency to conclude with a final acknowledgement of the need to transition away from fossil fuels and to mobilise climate finance with more than $700million pledged to the operationalised Loss and Damage Fund. But communities on the frontline of the climate catastrophe need more than this. They need to see an unwavering and resolute commitment to a rapid, equitable, and well-funded phaseout of all fossil fuels – together with a comprehensive finance package for developing countries to transition to renewables and cope with escalating climate impacts. We leave Dubai knowing that hope is still alive but our mission is far from over!”


Notes to editor

In addition to spokespeople in Canada, there is a Greenpeace delegation in the UAE with representatives available for comment.
Photos and videos of a COP28-related event in Montreal can be found on Greenpeace Media lIbrary..

Greenpeace Canada’s COP28: Media Brief

Full Greenpeace Policy Briefing 

For more information, please contact:

Laura Bergamo, Head of Media, Greenpeace Canada

[email protected]; +1 438 928-5237