Interlaken — Closing its last chapter, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) delivered the full story of the Sixth Assessment to world governments today.

In the first comprehensive IPCC report in nine years, and the first since the Paris Agreement, the synthesis report brings together three working group reports and three special reports to paint a sobering reality but not one without hope — if governments act now.  

Patrick Bonin, Climate and energy campaigner for Greenpeace Canada, said:

“From hurricane Fiona to devastating floods and fires to deadly heat waves, Canada knows what the climate crisis looks and feels like. 

The IPCC report shows solutions exist to exit this highway speeding towards massive global heating on which the least responsible are the most affected. Our provincial and federal governments need to stop helping fossil fuel and other industries pollute — no new pipelines and drilling, for example — and start holding them accountable for the harm they cause. They need to get a move on scaling up solutions that exist today. This report provides a roadmap — and marks one of our last exits.”

Kaisa Kosonen, Senior Policy Expert, Greenpeace Nordic said:

 “The threats are huge, but so are the opportunities for change. This is our moment to rise up, scale up and be bold. Governments must stop doing just a little better and start doing enough.

Thanks to brave scientists, communities and progressive leaders around the world, who’ve persistently advanced climate solutions like solar and wind energy for years and decades; we now have everything needed to solve this mess. It’s time to up our game, deliver on climate justice and push fossil fuel interests out of the way. There’s a role for everyone to play.”

Reyes Tirado, Senior Scientist, Greenpeace Research Laboratories at University of Exeter said: 

“The climate science is inescapable: this is our survival manual. The decisions we take today and every day for the next eight years will ensure a safer Earth for the next thousands of years.

Policymakers and business leaders all over the world have a decision to make: be a climate champion for present and future generations, or a villain who leaves a toxic legacy for our children or grandchildren.”

Tracy Carty, Global Climate Politics Expert, Greenpeace International said: 

“We’re not waiting for miracles; we have all the solutions needed to halve emissions this decade. But we won’t get there unless governments call time on climate wrecking fossil fuels. Agreement on the fair and rapid phase out of coal, oil and gas must be a first order priority for governments.

Governments must make polluters pay for harm caused to countries and communities least responsible for the climate crisis. Windfall taxes on monster oil and gas profits to help people recover from loss and damage would be a good start. The writing is on the wall – it’s time to stop drilling and start paying.”

Li Shuo, Senior Policy Advisor, Greenpeace East Asia said:

“The research is very clear. China needs to cut fossil fuel use immediately. Developing renewable energy on the side is not enough. At this stage, it needs to be all hands on deck towards a renewable energy future and the longer we invest funding in coal, the more at risk we all are to the climate disasters that are already a serious threat. And the financial risk that new coal plants will pose should also be concerning to any observer.”

The report re-emphasised that the solutions already exist and this is the crucial decade for climate action as climate impacts continue to intensify, projected to escalate with every bit of additional warming. The IPCC laid down the facts as detailed scientific guidance, giving governments another chance to do right for people and the planet. 

But time and chances are not unlimited and the report will define climate politics for the rest of the year, leaving world leaders to make progress, or further enable climate injustice. COP28, the upcoming climate summit in the United Arab Emirates must address today’s report in the critical race to end dependencies on fossil fuels, boost renewables and support a just transition to a zero-carbon future.

This concludes the IPCC Sixth Assessment.


Top 10 key takeaways from the IPCC synthesis report are available here.

Independent Greenpeace Key Takeaways briefing from the IPCC AR6 Working Group I, II & III reports are available here

Experts available by request. 

Images: Images and videos of climate change impacts are available from the Greenpeace Media Library.


Brandon Wei, Communications officer, Greenpeace Canada

[email protected], +1 778 772-6138

Gaby Flores, [email protected], +1 214 454-3871

Greenpeace International Press Desk, [email protected], +31 20 718 2470
(24 hours)

Canadian Banks need to stop funding fossil fuels

Canada’s banks must be held accountable for their role in violating Indigenous rights and their contribution to climate change.

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