Montreal, Canada – UN biodiversity talks at COP15 have struggled under efforts to water down key targets to keep protected areas free from drilling, mining, and efforts to displace Indigenous Peoples from their roles protecting biodiversity –– and failure to allow them access to conservation funds.

Recognition and respect for the roles of Indigenous Peoples, who protect 80% of existing biodiversity globally, was removed from some parts of the draft agreement. Over the weekend, thousands marched on the COP15 convention center in Montreal over the weekend, calling for rights for Indigenous Peoples.

As high-level government officials arrive for the final week of negotiations, Greenpeace calls for the final agreement to ensure that Indigenous Rights are protected and respected, and that ambitious protection targets are delivered with at least 30% of global land and sea protected by 2030 with highly and fully protected areas.

Paulo Adario, Senior Campaign Strategist, Greenpeace Brazil said:

“While Brazil presents itself at COP15 as a champion of biodiversity protection and asks for money for conservation and restoration, the world sees the reality: an area larger than Switzerland was ripped off the Amazon rainforest in the past four years, stimulated by Bolsonaro’s anti-environmental agenda. This is no time for stalling and playing games. The next ten years are crucial and the future of all living beings on the planet, including our children and grandchildren, are at stake today”.

Sekar Banjaran Aji, Forests Campaigner, Greenpeace Indonesia said: 

“The combination of corporate interests and government agendas is a deadly mixture for Indigenous Peoples in Indonesia. So it’s scary to see that represented here at COP15. A quarter of people in Indonesia are Indigenous. But their land is at risk constantly because they struggle to receive legal recognition of their rights. Fossil fuels, logging, mining, palm oil plantations: everyone wants a piece of Indigenous land. The Indonesian government needs to step up to speak on behalf of Indigenous People, not corporations.”



For a full rundown on Greenpeace demands for COP15 – Indigenous Rights and the 30×30 protection target – read more here

For background information on the 30×30 target to protect 30% of land and sea by 2030, read more here

For more information about all policies under negotiation at COP15 and terminology around them, read more here

For media enquiries please contact the Greenpeace International Press Desk: [email protected], +31 (0) 20 718 2470 (available 24 hours)

Images from COP15 can be found in the Greenpeace Media Library.