Greenpeace comment and expectations for climate talks

(Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt & Montreal) The burning question at the upcoming 27th UN Climate Conference (COP27) is whether richer, historically more polluting governments are going to pay up for the loss and damage caused by climate change. With final preparations underway, Greenpeace said significant progress can be made on the justice and support countries most impacted by past, present and future climate disasters deserve. The climate crisis could be solved with science, solidarity and accountability, by way of real financial commitments for a clean, safe and fair future for all. 

COP27 could succeed if the following agreements are made:

  • Deliver new money for countries and communities most vulnerable to climate change to address the loss and damages from past, present and near future climate disasters through the establishment of a Loss and Damage Finance Facility. 
  • Ensure US $100bn pledge is implemented to support low income countries to adapt and increase resilience to climate change impacts, honouring the commitment made by rich countries at COP26 to double funding for adaptation by 2025.
  • See all countries adopt a just transition approach to a fast and fair phase out of all fossil fuel use, including putting an immediate end to all new fossil fuel projects as recommended by the International Energy Agency.
  • Make it clear that limiting temperature rise to 1.5C by 2100 is the only acceptable interpretation of the Paris Agreement and acknowledge the 1.5°C aligned global phase out dates for the production and consumption of coal, gas and oil. 
  • Recognise the role of nature in climate mitigation, adaptation, as a cultural and spiritual symbol and as a home to diverse flora and fauna. Protecting and restoring nature must be done in parallel to the fossil-fuel phase-out and with the active participation of Indigenous Peoples and local communities.

A detailed briefing on Greenpeace’s COP27 demands is available here.

In advance of the COP:

Yeb Sano, Executive Director, Greenpeace Southeast Asia and Head of the Greenpeace delegation attending the COP said:

“Feeling safe and seen is central to the wellbeing of us all and the planet and this is what COP27 needs to be about, and can be about if leaders pick up their game. Justice, accountability and finance for the countries hardest hit by the climate crisis, past, present and future, are three of the key components to success not only during the talks but in the actions afterwards. Solutions and wisdom are in abundance from Indigenous Peoples, frontline communities and youth – what’s missing is the will of rich polluting governments and corporations to act but they’ve definitely got the memo.

The global movement, led by Indigenous Peoples and young people, will continue to rise if world leaders fail again but now, once more, on the eve of COP27, we call on leaders to step up to build the trust and plans we need, to take the opportunity to work together for the collective well-being of people and planet.”

Salomé Sané, Climate Campaigner, Greenpeace Canada said:

“Justin Trudeau’s absence at the summit proves actions speak louder than reassuring words and promises. We’re living in a time of multiple crises, disproportionately affecting the communities least responsible, so the only way that COP27 could be called a success is if justice is at the centre of all negotiations and agreements. For Canada, this means addressing its role in fuelling the climate crisis, by raising national emissions targets, committing to a new loss and damage mechanism, and putting real money on the table for vulnerable regions to deal with the harms caused by climate change, and proactively tackle its future impacts.”


Notes to editors : 

Ahead of the COP, Greenpeace Middle East North Africa released a new report on 2 November: Living on the edge –The Implications of Climate Change for Six Countries in the Middle East North Africa Region. See here for more information. 

Briefing note from the Climate Action Network (of which Greenpeace is a member): COP27, a moment to reclaim climate justice

For media enquiries please contact :

The Greenpeace delegation will be in Egypt from 6 November with representatives available for comment. For enquiries, please contact Gaby Flores, [email protected] 

Greenpeace International Press Desk: [email protected], +31 (0) 20 718 2470 (available 24 hours)

For other requests, please contact:

Laura Bergamo, Communications Officer, Greenpeace Canada

[email protected] ; +1 438-928-5237