Kjipuktuk / Halifax, NS  — After failing to attract a single major investor for its proposed Goldboro Liquefied Natural Gas project on the Eastern Shore of Nova Scotia (Mi’kma’ki), Pieridae Energy has quietly missed its June 30th deadline for a Final Investment Decision. 

Opponents of the fossil fuel infrastructure project are celebrating the lack of investment, particularly the company’s failure to receive the nearly $1 billion in public funds that it had requested from the federal government. 

The project has been flying under the radar since 2013 without attracting any investment. However, activists were alarmed to learn that Pieridae has been heavily lobbying the federal government in recent months to become its initial investor. 

Opposition to the project has existed since it was first proposed — not just in Nova Scotia, but also Alberta (where the gas will be extracted), Quebec (where major pipeline expansion is required for transporting the gas to Nova Scotia), Germany (the proposed destination), and Finland (home to the parent corporation contracted to buy the LNG). 

The news about Pieridae’s demands for government funds moved activists to grow the public’s awareness about its climate-wrecking plans, building even more resistance in the process — including, most recently, among Mi’kmaq Grandmothers, warriors, and Chiefs, who have raised concerns about the “man camp” proposed for the project site.


“I’m glad the federal government did not act on Pieridae’s request for nearly a billion dollars, and I hope it never does. It is critical that our governments stop supporting and subsidizing fossil fuel energy projects like Goldboro LNG. Instead, governments must invest immediately in renewables and energy efficiency, and in creating a more fair economy based on that shift in our energy system.” — Robin Tress, Council of Canadians

“We hope this project stays as unloved as it is now. Goldboro LNG is a climate change train wreck waiting to happen. It would turn backwards Nova Scotia’s progress in greenhouse gas reduction. And the increased demand it would create for climate-busting hydraulic fracturing would double the problem.” — Ken Summers, Nova Scotia Fracking Resource and Action Coalition (NOFRAC)

“The dominoes are falling faster and faster. Soon, no investors — private or public — will touch new fossil fuel projects with a ten foot pole, so it’s just a matter of time before the plug is pulled on all new fossil fuel infrastructure. Governments should vocally lead the way.” — Marie-Christine Fiset, Greenpeace Canada

“The Goldboro LNG terminal would not only very likely export climate-hostile and environmentally destructive fracked gas over the Atlantic to Europe, the project itself comes along with high financial risks for any investor. Now is the time to bury this zombie project, which has been kept alive with promises such as access to an Untied Loan Guarantee of up to $4.5 billion USD from the German government.” — Andy Gheorghiu, German climate campaigner

“Today’s decision throws some water on Pieridae Energy’s smoldering plans to build an LNG facility that would see a huge increase in Nova Scotia’s GHG emissions and a work camp that raises serious concerns for the safety of Mi’kmaw women, girls, and two-spirit people. We need the federal and provincial governments to show more leadership on climate action. Impacted communities should not have to be the ones pointing out the obvious perils that large fossil fuel projects pose in a climate crisis — nor should they have to remind the federal government of its commitment to implement the recommendations set out in the Final Report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls.” — Gretchen Fitzgerald, Sierra Club Canada Foundation

“We hope this means that governments and investors are finally realizing that in order to address the climate crisis that is so obviously upon us, we really cannot begin any new fossil fuel projects.” — Jim Emberger, New Brunswick Anti-Shale Gas Alliance (NBASGA)