21 September 2018 (TORONTO) In response to the Trudeau government’s announcement on the Trans Mountain pipeline, Keith Stewart, senior energy strategist with Greenpeace Canada said:

“By declaring that the pipeline will get built no matter what, the federal government is continuing to make the mistake of treating environmental assessment and Indigenous consultation as a box-checking exercise. It’s not true consultation or science if you’ve decided on the answer before asking the question,” said Stewart.

Following a challenge by Indigenous Nations and environmental groups, a Federal Court ruled that the government failed to properly consult with First Nations on the Trans Mountain Expansion project. The court also found that the impacts of increased tanker traffic due to the project, including the impacts on the endangered Southern Resident orca, were not adequately considered.

For more information:

Keith Stewart, senior energy strategist at Greenpeace Canada, is available. To arrange an interview, please contact Steve Cornwell, 519-418-0071, [email protected]