5 October 2017 – Responding to the announcement from TransCanada that they are cancelling their proposed Energy East pipeline from the Canadian tar sands, Greenpeace campaigner Patrick Bonin said:
“This is a great day for our water, climate and economy, and for Indigenous rights. The world is changing and the end of the age of oil is in sight. This is an incredible victory for all the people, environmentalists, municipalities, landowners, unions, First Nations, and everyone who opposed this project, causing enough delays and ensuring assessment of the project’s climate impact so that even TransCanada recognized there’s no place for Energy East in a climate safe world.
What’s true for Energy East is true for all the other proposed tar sands pipelines: Keystone XL, Line 3, and the Trans Mountain expansion are incompatible with action on climate change and Indigenous rights and investors should take note. The movement for a sustainable, just, and prosperous economy will ensure these pipelines never get built. Building a green economy requires rapidly phasing out the fossil fuel sector, and that starts with high carbon fuels like the tar sands. Instead of spending billions on new tar sands pipelines, that money should go to supporting workers, creating new jobs, and building a just transition to renewable energy.”


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