Activist organization answers public call with names inspired by 6 local endangered species.

Canada – Following a public call to citizens to find a new name for the city of Asbestos, Greenpeace Canada submitted 6 names, inspired by 6 endangered species of the Eastern Townships region where the city is located.

The city of Asbestos in the Eastern Townships region of Québec, Canada has been a symbol of toxicity for over a 100 years, bearing the name of a dangerous mineral that used to be extracted in the city. The city recently decided to change names and asked citizens for suggestions from February 17th to March 20th. To help the city make peace with its toxic past, Greenpeace Canada answered the call with six submissions that celebrate the richness of biodiversity in the region, aiming to put one of those species’ name on the map permanently. 

“We’re currently in a crisis. People are worried for their loved ones, their families and their friends and a lot of them feel isolated at home. We need a bit of collective hope and this project could represent a certain renewal, something people can rally behind from home” claims Marie-Josée Béliveau, Food and Nature campaigner for Greenpeace Canada. “The City of Asbestos if facing a unique opportunity, the opportunity to redeem itself by become a beacon of biodiversity around the World. Moreover, this type of online initiative allows us to keep making a difference from home. A positive type of clicktivism if you will. Even in a context of isolation, we can keep promoting solidarity and social mobilization”


The city council will be making a shortlist amongst 500 submissions before March 27, 2020. The six names submitted by Greenpeace Canada respect all the city’s requirements, namely having no link whatsoever with the Asbestos industry. 

“Our objective is to convince the city council to consider our suggestions for the preselection. After that, obviously, it will be up to the citizens of Asbestos to choose” concludes Marie-Josée Béliveau.



Inspired by the Grive de Bicknell (catharus bicknelli) a small bird that lives in the Eastern Townships and designated as vulnerable in Québec since 2009.


Inspired by the Lamproie du Nord (ichthyomyzon fossor), a small freshwater fish that lives in the Eastern Townships and designated as endangered since 2010.


Inspired by the Listère du Sud (neottia bifolia), a plant in the orchid family observed in the Eastern Townships and designated as endangered in Québec since 2010.


Inspired by the Petit Blongios (ixobrychus exilis), a wading bird that lives in the Eastern Townships and designated as vulnerable since 2009.


Inspired by the Chevalier de rivière (moxostoma carinatum), a big fish that lives in the Eastern Townships fresh waters and designated as vulnerable in Québec since 2009.


Inspired by the Spiny softshell turtle (apalone spinifera), a species observed in the Eastern Townships and designated as endangered in Québec since 2000. 

You can vote for your favorite name here.


For more information, please contact:

Marie-Christine Fiset, Head of Media, Greenpeace Canada

[email protected]; +1 514-972-6316