Québec – In reaction to the Québec government’s announcement regarding the Val-d’Or caribou herd, which had 18 individuals in 2016 and now number just seven, Marie-Josée Béliveau, Food & Nature Campaigner at Greenpeace Canada, said:

“Now is the moment to stand up for the Earth and in solidarity with Indigenous Peoples to say no to species extinction. At the global level, we are facing an unprecedented decline in biodiversity. The caribou are one of the specifies that illustrate this issue in the region of Québec. This herd is fighting day after day for its survival, and is an embodiment of a barometer of the health of our forests, and by the same token, our own health.

“If the Legault government is serious about its fight against climate change, it will roll up its sleeves to protect and restore our forests, instead of abandoning them to industry. We need real leadership, and the announcement by Mr. Dufour, Minister of Forests, Wildlife and Parks, concerning the enclosure of the caribou is nothing but a temporary solution that won’t save the herd.

“We need real measures to protect this species and restore its habitat. We already have the necessary knowledge in hand, there is no need to wait for a meta-analysis because the caribou cannot wait any longer. We need a real game plan now, one made in consultation with local actors, like the Lac Simon communities and Action Boréale, who have already proposed solutions. It is important to set out the area and framework to maintain the herd and re-establish the habitat. This also means banning all other activities — not just logging, but also mining and closing the roads that open the habitat up to other species. The government is dragging its feet on this file and the caribou are paying for it with their lives.”


For more information, please contact:

Marie-Christine Fiset, Head of Media, Greenpeace Canada

[email protected]; +1 514 972-6316