Thousands of Torontonians joined the youth-led Global Climate Strike on September 27th, calling for urgent climate action. Pictured here at Queens Park.

Thousands of Torontonians joined the youth-led Global Climate Strike on September 27th, calling for urgent climate action.

In reaction to Toronto City Council unanimously passing a motion to declare a climate emergency, Greenpeace Canada Senior Energy Strategist Keith Stewart, said:

“It’s crunch time. Toronto has recognized that climate change is an emergency, but now we need Council to rise to the challenge they have set and act like it’s an emergency. That means breaking old habits and using every tool at the City’s disposal to build a green, inclusive economy that eliminates carbon pollution. Industry that delayed climate action should do its part, which is why we support the City to follow the lead of New York, San Francisco and other cities in making big polluters pay their fair share for a real climate emergency response.”



Keith Stewart, Senior Energy Strategist, Greenpeace Canada, (416) 659-0294