Toronto – Reacting to Assembly of First Nations (AFN) National Chief Perry Bellegarde’s call for federal party leaders in Canada to commit to work with First Nations on a national plan to address the climate crisis with specific actions and measurable targets, Head of Nature and Food Campaign with Greenpeace Canada Shane Moffatt had the following to say:

“The devastating fires in the Amazon make clear the urgent need to take ambitious climate action through emissions reduction and forest protection in Canada and around the world. These fires also highlight the impacts of climate destruction and environmental injustice that Indigenous people are suffering daily in their territories. From Brazil to Canada, the way to solve the climate crisis together is through respecting Indigenous knowledge and rights.

Greenpeace stands behind the Grand Chief’s call for all party leaders to commit to work with First Nations on a national plan to address the climate crisis with concrete targets today.”


For more information, please contact: 

Marie-Christine Fiset, Head of Media, Greenpeace Canada

[email protected]; +1 514 972-6316