The winners of the Greenpeace 2019 Photo Competition are:

Laura Mony, Andrea Nixon, Jacob Hawley, Naomi Maya, Kevin van der Leek, Magenta Hyde, Damien Glezies, Debbie Slack, Claudette Gagnon, Beau Evans, Cam Sheppard, & Tristan Ray-Wilks.

And with 650 votes, the winner of the People’s Choice Award is: Denver Chance.


The theme of this year’s competition was celebrating aquatic environments around the world, and the wildlife that depend on them. Our supporters came out in a big way this year, and we had an incredible, and record breaking 2,327 submissions!

Here are the top 12 images picked by our panel of judges:

Gentoo Penguins jump through waves off the coast of Antarctica. © Laura Mony.

Plough Snails feast on a Bluebottle on Muizenberg Beach, South Africa. © Andrea Nixon.

An otter hangs out at the local dock at Oak Bay Marina, Victoria, BC, Canada. © Jacob Hawley.

A Canada goose stretches its wings along the edge of Vermillion Lakes in Alberta. © Naomi Maya.

Early morning along the Alouette River in B.C., Canada. © Kevin van der Leek.

A baby Humpback Whales rests atop its mother along the coast of Moorea, Tahiti. © Magenta Hyde.

The sunsets on Manuel Antonio beach in Costa Rica. © Damien Gleizes.

Baby Alligator lays low in Circle B Reserve, Lakeland Florida, USA. © Debbie Slack.

A swallow-tailed gull takes flight in the Galapagos Islands. © Claudette Gagnon.

Sockeye Salmon run the Kokanee Creek Provincial Park, in B.C., Canada. © Beau Evans.

Cam Sheppard: A pregnant male Bargibanti Pygmy Seahorse camouflages itself amongst the coral in Raja Ampat, Indonesia.

A wave curls along the side of an iceberg along the Drake passage in Antarctica. ©Tristan Ray-Wilks

We’d like to thank each and every participant for sharing your photos, you made the selection process very difficult, but we can’t wait to celebrate these images in the 2020 Greenpeace Desk Calendar.

Rainbow Warrior Open Boat in Melbourne

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