
We’ve all seen the devastating images of pristine beaches covered with plastic waste, of turtles and other marine life killed by ingesting bags, bottle caps, and other plastic debris. Single-use plastic have invaded our lives and are trashing our blue planet. Up to 12 million tonnes of plastic waste end up in the oceans each year. Only 9% of all plastic produced since the 1950s has been recycled, the rest is burned, goes to landfill or ends up in the environment. The good news is that together we can create a plastic-free future. Alongside with our allies from the Break Free From Plastic movement, we are campaigning globally to stop plastic pollution at its source – getting big corporations to cut their addiction to throwaway plastics, and telling governments to hold plastic polluters accountable. Let’s send a strong message to the industry and our governments about the need to stop our reliance on single-use plastics.