You need to be bold, you need to be skilled, but above everything, you need to truly believe in the power of every person to change to world. These women and men are climbing the tower of Montreal’s Olympic Park to protest the Trans Mountain Pipeline expansion, sending a powerful message to Prime Minister Trudeau.

Jesse Richman

I have been involved with Greenpeace for the past 10 years as a volunteer/activist. I hope through my involvement to shed light on environmental issues and leverage companies and politicians into implementing solutions. This desire for change has led me to explore sustainable construction, building houses that will hopefully become a 21st century standard and allow for a transition towards renewable energy, food sovereignty and in general a conscientious use of our natural resources.


Michele Lavoie

I have been an activist with Greenpeace for over 10 years. Faced with elected officials who consciously make the choice to endanger our planet, I can only feel indignation. My activism allows me to turn my outrage and desire for change into something beautiful and bigger than me. I am also a specialized educator, massage therapist and textile designer. When I’m not hooked on a climbing rope to send a loud message to governments, businesses and fellow citizens, I work full-time at the company that I founded three years ago where I create ethical, eco-friendly and locally-designed clothes.

Jonathan Lavoie

I’m 26 years old and I’m a Masters student in Sociology at the University of Montreal. I love learning and taking on challenges; from trying out new recipes and cooking for fifteen people, to learning new sports such as softball or rugby. I played football for 10 seasons and was a coach to young people during 2 seasons. Playing a sport and then teaching it paved the way for post-secondary education where I completed a degree in philosophy and politics in Sherbrooke. In my old age, I plan to work as a teacher.

Marilou Labelle

I am 28 years old and a student in psychology at UQAM. I love sports as much as video games, going out with friends and cooking. I am a beautician and also a specialized educator. I am a person who likes to help and be in contact with others. In all the different jobs I’ve had, it’s always been the clients that have made my experiences worth it. Above all, I cannot wait to be a mom and to start a family. But first I’m going back to university and in the future, aiming to become a college teacher.

Olivier Huard

I’m 40 years old and I’m a long-time activist with Greenpeace Canada. I studied Politics at UQAM and now am an arborist and Ecology technician. I have two children and everything I do is to make the world a better place for them and future generations. I would consider myself a passionate environmentalist and try to use all the means at my disposal to pass the message on that a transitional economy is absolutely possible.


Want to join the resistance ? this is something you can do right now.


Crudeau Oil Action in London
Say No to the Pipeline Bailout

The Trans Mountain pipeline expansion is a proposal to build a new 1,150 km pipeline between Alberta and the BC coast, alongside an existing 60-year-old pipeline. The new pipeline would almost triple the amount of tar sands oil carried through the existing pipeline, and increase oil tanker traffic on the BC coast sevenfold.

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