This February 18th, let’s make #RejectTeck trend on Twitter and tell Justin Trudeau’s cabinet to reject the Teck Frontier mine.

Burning call to Reject Teck in Ottawa, Canada. © Greenpeace
Just before dawn, Greenpeace Canada welcomed federal cabinet ministers back to the House of Commons this morning with a fiery demand to reject the Teck Frontier Mine, a controversial new project to massively expand oil extraction in the Alberta tar sands. Just steps from Parliament Hill, activists set up an installation of a burning planet Earth, complete with real-life flames, while student activist Ashley Torres held a banner with a message for cabinet: “Reject Teck – Rejetez Teck”. The banner features a thunderbird design by Ojibway artist Isaac Murdoch.
© Greenpeace

Twitter connects politicians, opinion makers, journalists and activists. By inviting friends and allies to join this Twitterstorm[1] and target decision-makers to #RejectTeck, it will be impossible to ignore our resistance. We believe that YOU can influence politicians to make the right decision. Now it’s your turn to use this digital megaphone to make some noise.

This February 18th, we are sending a message to Trudeau’s cabinet, which has just 10 days left to decide whether to build a massive new tar sands mine:  Teck Frontier.

This is the first real test of the new Liberal minority government’s commitment to climate action.

While we deliver your names to the Prime Minister Office in Ottawa, we are organizing a simultaneous online mobilization to really drive our message home.

Our goal is to send hundreds of tweets to Cabinet members so they can’t ignore that we want Teck Frontier to be rejected, and that they need to listen to people united behind the science.

It is impossible to approve a new oil sands mine AND be carbon neutral by 2050 (which Trudeau promised Canada we would be) AND keep global warming below 1.5 degrees.

We must #RejectTeck.

Tweet #RejectTeck

Sample tweets

You can use these tweets below or craft yours. Don’t forget to add #RejectTeck and #cdnpoli as well as tag @GreenpeaceCA (when possible).

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Read this or post on Facebook and Instagram.

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Sample Facebook comments

You can copy and paste the suggested posts here as comment on the latest post on the Facebook page of Justin Trudeau, Chrystia Freeland or Jonathan Wilkinson. You can also use these posts as inpiration to post on other members of Cabinet. You can use the suggested posts below or write a respectful comment of your own with the hashtag #RejectTeck and tag us @greenpeace.canada. You can add the same image as above or use gifs.

Comment on the latest post or post an Instagram Story

You can use the same sample comments as Facebook on Instagram, on a story or as a comment on the latest post of Justin Trudeau @justinpjtrudeau, Chrystia Freeland @chrystiafreeland or Jonathan Wilkinson @jonathanwnv.

Don’t forget to tag @greenpeace_canada and to add #RejectTeck


  1. A twitterstorm is a sudden spike in activity about a topic on Twitter. Tweets quickly spread as people are reusing the hashtag with subsequent tweets and retweets.