Banning live animal exports was a milestone moment for animal welfare in Aotearoa. The Government recently moved to ban live animal exports – the practice of shipping livestock such as sheep or cows overseas. Sometimes these animals are confined to cramped ships for weeks at a time, and suffer from dehydration and illnesses, standing in their own manure.

In 2020, a ship carrying nearly 6,000 cattle and 43 crew capsized near Japan. Four crew members survived and not one cow. The disaster opened our eyes to the urgent need to end live export. The images of all those bloated dead cows in a turquoise sea are forever so heartbreaking.

The carcass of a cow floating about 75 miles northwest of Amami Oshima, Japan, in the East China Sea on Thursday.Credit…Japan Coast Guard, via Associated Press

I applaud the Government’s world leading decision to phase out live exports over the next two years, meaning thousands of animals will no longer suffer. Once animals are exported, we lose control over the future welfare of those animals. We can’t enforce our welfare standards in other countries, but we can stop exporting live animals and lead by example. The way New Zealand farms and treats animals affects and reflects on all of us, and as Kiwis we all take pride in treating animals with compassion.

“If he is not to stifle his own feelings, he must practice kindness towards animals, for he who is cruel to animals becomes hard also in his dealings with men. We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals.” Immanuel Kant

Let’s strive to be world leaders in animal welfare, farming and sustainability. Let’s stand together to transform agriculture and shift Aotearoa to regenerative farming that works with nature, not against it, together we can change the world.

Where can we start?

Phase out synthetic nitrogen fertiliser

We’re calling on the Government to phase out synthetic nitrogen fertilisers for good. There’s a cap on synthetic nitrogen fertiliser, but it’s set very high. We need everyone to tell the Government that we won’t stand for this continued pollution of our rivers.

Make the shift to regenerative farming

There are farmers across New Zealand that are going against the grain to farm regeneratively. They’re drawing on Indigenous wisdom, building soil and encouraging diversity as they grow great food, heal the land and support their communities. Join us to call on the Government to invest $1 billion in shifting Aotearoa to regenerative farming.

Phase out imported feed like PKE

Imported feed like PKE is propping up the practice of keeping more cows than the land can feed alone. And that’s driving the climate crisis here, while supporting destructive players in the palm industry abroad. We’re calling on the Government to phase out imported feed like PKE – will you add your name?

Dairy cows
PETITION: Ban synthetic nitrogen fertiliser

Sign on now to call on the New Zealand Govt to ban chemical nitrogen fertiliser.

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