Healthy farms mean healthy whenua (land), awa (rivers), climate and communities. Yet industrial dairying and synthetic nitrogen fertiliser are poisoning the climate, rivers and our fresh drinking water. 

Over 60 people joined us in an interactive session discussing why industrial dairying needs to transform into more plant based, organic, regenerative farming.

And as important as discussing why this transformation is needed, we also discussed some ways how it will happen. You can watch the recording here, and see action resources below.

We’re calling on the Government to phase out synthetic nitrogen fertiliser and ‘halve the herd‘. We’re urging them to invest in more plant-based regenerative organic farming, which both reduces greenhouse gas emissions, and adds resilience to the way we grow food.

By taking action with Greenpeace, you’re part of a movement working to shift to a farming system that works with nature, rather than against it. 

Find out more on how you can be involved.