Construction has started on huge irrigation schemes in Canterbury. When they start working, it’s going to be disastrous for our rivers – most of which are already struggling.

More irrigation means more cows and that means more pollution.

A few weeks ago, the completion of these schemes would have been inevitable. But not any more. The movement against irrigation schemes is getting stronger and stronger, and you can join in. Click here to take part in a peaceful civil disobedience to Save Our Rivers.

A few weeks ago, we blocked pipes in the Central Plains Water irrigation scheme. It was all over the papers and TV. Then a few days later, Labour came out and announced they’d ditch the $480 million irrigation fund. It was a huge moment, birthed from the courage of a few people.

Imagine what we could all do together, with hundreds of us?

NZ politics is in chaos. Leaders have resigned and we’re seeing huge political shifts. The election is just weeks away. Imagine the power we’d have if we all took peaceful civil disobedience ato Save Our Rivers? It could change everything.

The plans are pretty ambitious. Hundreds of us, in Canterbury, on the 14th of September standing up for our rivers by taking part in peaceful protest. The more of us who are there, the more powerful our message will be there. Will you be there?

Click here to RSVP

We know that when we stand together, we always win. Here’s our shot to create a tonne of political pressure that could change the story of New Zealand’s rivers forever. Let’s make 14th September the day everything changed.

If you can’t make, please share this blog post with your friends. Let’s get as many people out there as possible!