A coffee-addicted, Auckland-based plastics campaigner shares hot tips on how to stick with a reusable coffee cup and still get the delicious, life-giving, brew whilst avoiding takeaway coffee cups during lockdown.

A coffee-addicted, Auckland-based plastics campaigner shares hot tips on how to stick with a reusable coffee cup and still get the delicious, life-giving, brew whilst avoiding takeaway coffee cups during lockdown.
Getting coffee during lockdown without using takeaway cups is easy!

Amidst the confusion of being back in lockdown again, I’m taking it a step further by causing chaos next door at my local cafe. I’ve been trying to convince the barista there to take my reusable cup (because disposable coffee cups would ultimately end up in the landfill if I used them). He’s pretty reluctant, not sure what the boss would think and kind of can’t be bothered. But luckily I’m ready, I’ve been practicing what I’m gonna say and I reckon I’ve got a pretty good argument. Let’s do this. 

Now, before you get concerned about hygiene, hear me out!

I’ll tell you what I told the barista Larry*.

Me getting a coffee in Level 3 lockdown

“Listen Larry,” I said while the two-metre-spaced queue behind me began growing outside the door and down the road.

“It’s not what you think. I’m not some crazy, coffee-obsessed hippy – okay well I kind of am – but I’m not just hell-bent on living a zero-waste lifestyle at the cost of other people’s health.”

He looked dubiously at me.

“I’ve read the government’s notice on the covid-19 website that says reusables are allowed, I’ve watched an online how-to guide and I know about all the damage plastic-lined disposable coffee cups and their plastic lids are having on our environment.”

He’s still dubious. Queue is growing. Mutterings behind me of “desperately need coffee…”, “brain is dying…” etc etc and I’m getting glares from fellow customers.

Finally in desperation I cry “Larry, think of the turtles!” 

Sensing my panic, or maybe I’ve touched on the turtle-loving part of Larry’s heart, he agrees to give it a go.

Would you like to give it a go too?

During the first lockdown, the zero waste campaigners from Takeaway Throwaways decided to create simple guides for people wanting to use reusables under the different covid Alert Levels, instead of contributing to the ever-growing amount of Covid-related packaging waste (think coffee cups and takeaway packaging from your local burger joint). 

We asked the guides’ creators, Hannah and Laura, if we could share their hot tips with you and here we are. If you’d like to read the full version, check out their Alert Level 3 guide here otherwise check out the tips below. For those of you who aren’t in Auckland right now, here’s the guide for Alert Level 2 – it’s a little bit different).

Firstly, though, is it even possible to use reusables in Alert Levels 2 and 3? 

Yes! During Alert levels 3 and 2 the government has confirmed businesses are allowed to accept customers’ reusable cups and containers and/or operate reusable cup and container schemes, provided food safety risks are managed and all service complies with the relevant Alert Level general service requirements. For more info, check the “Retail and Hospitality” section of this page on the official covid-19 website.

How to get a coffee in your reusable cup during Level Three

Watch this video and follow the instructions below.

  1. Order your takeaway online, on an app or over phone, if possible. You can then let the outlet know you’ll BYO cup/container or would like your order in a reusable. (I’ve managed to do it without a pre-order, but this sometimes flusters the wait staff, so it’s good to give them a heads up.)
  2. BYO CLEAN reusables only & hold onto your lids.
  3. Stay outside & remember social distancing when waiting to collect your order (stay 2m away from others at all times). We recommend you also wear a mask (reusable, if you can! Here’s how to make your own DIY mask )
  4. When you reach the front of the queue step forward & place your cup on a premarked spot on a table outside the outlet or at the window servery. Hold onto your cup lid.
  5. Step back 2m.
  6. The barista prepares the drink inside the cafe in a reusable cup or jug. If the order is coffee, the barista will keep the coffee shot & milk elements separate.
  7. The barista comes out to the table & pours the drink into the cup (without touching the cup).
  8. When finished, the barista steps back 2m.
  9. You step forward, grab your drink and thank the staff for being awesome zero-waste heroes!
You can still get a coffee in Level 2 or Level 3, and you can still use your reusable coffee cup!
You can still get a coffee in Level 2 or Level 3, and you can still use your reusable coffee cup!

Remember to be patient and kind because hospitality workers are having to adapt very quickly to operate under Alert Level requirements. 

When it comes to other reusables, like reusable containers, it’s a very similar process – you can read about it in the #TakeAwayThrowAways full online guides for Alert Level 3 and Alert Level 2.

Now – go enjoy that brew!

*NB: In order to protect the barista’s privacy, Larry is not his real name. 

Let’s hold the big polluters to account

Globally, 380 million tonnes of plastic are produced each year. Coca-Cola is the worst plastic polluter. With your help we can push the government to increase refill and reuse options to meet this global crisis.

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