The extraordinary System Shift podcast is on a quest to find out what a true wellbeing economy could look like and how we can get there. 

A world in polycrisis

Ordinary people in many countries are feeling besieged by a multiplicity of crises – including a cost-of-living crisis. Focused on our immediate needs, it feels impossible to grapple with existential threats such as climate change.

At the same time as several environmental challenges we see the stark divide between the wealthy and the rest. Growing inequality deepens both the environmental crises and increases social instability.

Fossil fuel speculators earn massive profits at the cost of natural ecosystems. Our growth-centric economic systems favour relentless extraction and consumption.

Political capture by corporates and inadequate state policies enable massive social inequality. Governments align themselves with corporate interests over public welfare.

A system shift for people and the planet

What are the alternatives to the current failing economic and financial systems that are driving the exploitation of people and planet?

A wellbeing economy prioritises ecological preservation and human flourishing over mere growth and wealth maximisation. It’s an economy designed to serve people and the planet, not the other way around.

Join in the conversation in this second season of System Shift, made by the crew at Greenpeace Nordic. Economists, researchers and innovators from around the world offer their solutions for a sustainable, thriving economy that is equitable and serves the interests of all, not just the wealthiest few.