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  • Maui’s dolphin shame

    The survival of the world’s smallest dolphin is a globally important issue, yet our Government has clearly been defying international and scientific pressure, and the views of most Kiwis, and…

    Karli Thomas 3 min read
  • Greenpeace uncovers Gazprom’s expired oil spill response plan

    Greenpeace Russia has uncovered a startling secret that Gazprom has been keeping from the world: its oil spill response plan for the Prirazlomnaya oil platform has expired, meaning any drilling the company undertakes in this part of the Arctic would be illegal according to Russian legislation.

    Jessica Wilson 3 min read
  • Greenpeace, the Yes Men and the inside story of #ShellFail

    Shell has spent billions trying to persuade the world that Arctic drilling is not as obscene as it really is. The company opens its giant war chest every time it needs to put a message in front of the public, or wants to gain access to a certain politician. Shell is trying to hide the…

    James Turner 2 min read
  • Taking the deep sea oil battle to the high court

    I was in court yesterday with the Greenpeace lawyers and will be again today. But rather than defending ourselves after taking direct action as we so often are, this time…

    Vanessa Atkinson 2 min read
  • Deep sea oil still a thousand times worse

    We made a mistake.  The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) upheld in part a complaint against Greenpeace New Zealand for our oiled-penguin advert which ran on TV3 and Prime TV in recent months.

    Nick Young 2 min read
  • We can enjoy a good life without extreme oil – we have to

    Oil plays a crucial part in our everyday lives, as has been pointed out many since Lucy Lawless committed the selfless and very brave act of climbing the derrick…

    Carmen Gravatt 3 min read
  • Top 10 reasons why Arctic oil drilling is a really stupid idea

    Shell would have us believe that it’s all very safe and there’s nothing to worry about but here’s our 10 reasons Arctic oil drilling is a really bad idea: It’s…

    Ben 2 min read
  • Eat it up Monsanto!

    There’s a story doing the rounds again,  about how Monsanto, one of the world’s largest profiteers of genetically engineered (GE) food, banned GE food from its own corporate canteens! Monsanto…

    nyoung 2 min read
  • Enthusiasm for oil requires cognitive shut-down

    Recently some commentators have revealed something about the way their brain functions in singing the praises of new fossil fuels.

    Steve Abel 1 min read
  • Telling the oil companies the truth

    Today, the Greenland Bureau of Mineral and Petroleum invited the world’s biggest oil companies to a meeting that can have extreme importance for the future of the Arctic. Greenland wants…

    Jon Burgwald 2 min read