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  • A message to Anadarko

    As we sailed out of Wellington through the Cook Strait on the Rainbow Warrior a few days ago, all of a sudden we were met by hundreds of dolphins. And they kept arriving until we were completely surrounded. I was totally blown away and even the most experienced seafarers among us were amazed. And it…

    Nick Young 1 min read
  • Something Anadarko ought to know

    Last week I was lucky enough to be one of the group of local grassroots organisers from around the country who spent a few fantastic days at sea on the Rainbow Warrior's Bluff-to-Wellington journey. Something of a childhood dream of mine, it was a surreal and, luckily for us, sun-drenched experience. The Rainbow Warrior is…

    Jessie 1 min read
  • We did it for the future

    It’s almost a year since we climbed the Shell-contracted drilling rig, Noble Discoverer.  Landing on the pier that day we felt dwarfed by the vast 53 meter drill tower that sat…

    Lucy Lawless 2 min read
  • Star Lawless slams oil giant Shell outside court

    Film and TV star Lucy Lawless and seven activists were today convicted and sentenced to 120 hours community service each for attempting to stop an Arctic-bound oil drilling ship last…

    Nick Young 2 min read
  • Whale-Oil Blog

    New Zealand waters are home to 47 species of whales, dolphins and porpoises, which is over half the world’s 80 species of cetaceans. A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!

    Dean Baigent-Mercer 2 min read
  • Too precious to risk

    We’ve been at anchor in Port Ross at the northern end of Auckland Island for two days now. For most of that time our documentary team has been off the…

    Nick Young 3 min read
  • An indivisible link

    In Auckland we had thousands of people visit the new Rainbow Warrior and, as they waited to get on the ship, we talked to them about why the Rainbow Warrior…

    Steve Abel 5 min read
  • When Big Oil comes to town

    Today was the first time in about a week I woke up feeling anything like human.  I’ve been laid low for the past few days with some gruesome combo of…

    Maya McNicoll 3 min read
  • Snake Oil

    The banners that welcomed the new Rainbow Warrior into Auckland read “Haere Mai” – Welcome home. The state of the art ship is here in her spiritual home to bring attention to the fact that John Key and his cronies have reckless plans for the seas that surround our beautiful country.

    Maya McNicoll 3 min read
  • Top 5 movies set in the Arctic

    With a stunning landscape and incredible wildlife including polar bears, seals and Arctic foxes, it’s no wonder that Arctic movie sets trump anything filmed in sunny Hollywood.  We took a…

    Cassady Sharp 1 min read