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  • The Christchurch Floods

    Today, our thoughts go out to the people of Christchurch who are once again waking up to another natural disaster. As the true extent of the damage becomes apparent, many neighbourhoods will be pulling together to overcome the severe flooding that has been visited upon their city.

    Nathan Argent 1 min read
  • Photos from the orangutan cemetery

    Bones from an orangutan near Tanjung Puting National Park © ULET IFANSASTI Proctor & Gamble claims that an astonishing 4.8 billion people worldwide use their products, which include anti-dandruff shampoo Head…

    Michael Hedelain 2 min read
  • Banners on the Beach: Oily people at New Brighton pier

    Communities are rising up around Aotearoa to say no to deep sea drilling off their coast. Below we hear from longtime activist and passionate Cantabrian, Siana Fitzjohn, about their day of banners and oily beach-goers.On the 15th February our Christchurch-based group, Oil Free Otautahi, got ready  to haul our homemade banners, signs, and sandwiches down…

    Siana Fitzjohn 2 min read
  • High noon at the High Court

    On Monday, we had our court case heard at the High Court in Wellington. Our beef: that the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) – the agency set up by government to safeguard our oceans – had given Anadarko the green light to start drilling without looking at eight key documents. These documents included a report detailing…

    Nathan Argent 2 min read
  • Tide turns on Key’s oil drilling plans

    As John Key scowled his faux-indifferent disdain at the nation wide banners on the beach protest against oil drilling a couple of Saturdays ago, a few things were betrayed.

    Steve Abel 1 min read
  • Banners on the beach for oil free seas

    What an amazing turnout for Banners on the Beach!

    Nick Young 1 min read
  • Standing up against dangerous oil drilling – from the Arctic to Aotearoa

    We’re very close to the site where Texan oil giant Anadarko want to drill, around 110 nautical miles off the west coast of New Zealand. November’s warming sun in our eyes, the stinging salt water on our faces and the whiff of sun cream in our noses say that summer’s on the way.

    Bunny McDiarmid 1 min read
  • “Where our leaders fail us…” – The folly of fossil fools

    This week, a flotilla of yachts will be leaving our shores and heading out to the deep waters off the coast of Raglan. Their purpose: to protest at Texan oil giant Anadarko’s plans to drill an exploratory well in our backyard.

    Nathan Argent 2 min read
  • The Oil Free Seas Flotilla and Greenpeace

    A lot has changed in the more than 40 years since Greenpeace started out in Vancouver. From a small group of people with a driving passion for the environment, we've grown into a worldwide movement.

    John Dunford 3 min read
  • New Zealand at risk of becoming the next oil exploration frontier

    Deep sea drilling will soon commence in the rough waters off the NZ coast. This could mark the beginning of an oil rush in which democratic process, public concern, environmental protection and safety considerations are all swept aside.

    Rachael Shaw 4 min read