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  • Block the offer to stop deep sea oil

    From now until the 30th of October local councils, iwi and hapū around New Zealand have the opportunity to take a position on deep sea oil drilling off our coast. Every year the Government via NZ Petroleum and Minerals (NZPAM) proposes “block offers”. The ‘blocks’ are  huge swathes of our land, ocean and seabed that the Government…

    Genevieve Toop 3 min read
  • Russel Norman to lead Greenpeace New Zealand

    This morning we emailed over a quarter of a million Greenpeace supporters to tell them that Russel Norman has been appointed to replace me as executive director of Greenpeace New Zealand when I step down later this year.Some will be surprised to hear that a guy more accustomed to sitting inside Parliament is joining an…

    Bunny McDiarmid 1 min read
  • Huntly switch to clean energy leaves soot on Key’s face

    Good news. Huntly power station, the remnant of a polluting, coal based power system in New Zealand will be shutting down its choking smoke stacks in favour of clean energy.

    Nathan Argent 2 min read
  • Activists scale Parliament House to expose National failure

    Four Greenpeace campaigners have evaded security and climbed to the roof of Parliament House with a delivery of eight solar panels. They also plan to unfurl a large banner targeting…

    Nick Young 3 min read
  • Climate change minister reveals he’s clueless

    Our Associate Minister for Climate Change, Simon Bridges, doesn't know what 'emissions reduction targets' are. That was his shocking response to a question from opposition MP Dr Megan Woods last month.And it’s scary because this is basically what the government is going to do to reduce pollution. Not only is it Bridges’ job to know…

    Nathan Argent 1 min read
  • Statoil: Go home

    A highlight of Waitangi Day this year for me was the growing swell of people fighting for the rights of Aotearoa and speaking out against the oil giants now trying to make themselves at home in our waters. Discussions about community-based solutions to climate change went well into the night. It was day four of…

    Sophie Schroder 3 min read
  • A big swing against deep sea drilling for Auckland Council but democracy went to the toilet

    Chaos reigned today in the Auckland Council meeting when deep sea oil drilling hit the agenda and we’re all a little stunned by what we witnessed.

    Steve Abel 2 min read
  • Deepwater drilling in New Zealand in deep trouble

    It looks like the Government’s plans to open up New Zealand’s deep and clean oceans to dangerous deepwater drilling could be in deep trouble.

    Nathan Argent 2 min read
  • Statoil’s deafening silence

    Statoil has seen a lot of Greenpeace this week but so far its staying schtum in response to New Zealanders calling on it to ‘go home’. However, that deafening silence does…

    Phil Crawford 2 min read
  • Statoil: licensed to spill

    This morning Greenpeace activists barricaded shut Statoil’s new Wellington office before the Norwegian oil giant has fully opened for business. And the reason: to send a very clear message to…

    Nathan Argent 2 min read