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  • It’s time to push Statoil out for good

    On Friday last week, New Zealand woke to the news that Norwegian oil giant, Statoil, was pulling the plug on its operations in Northland’s Reinga Basin.Although the company’s representatives were quick to claim the move came as a result of the low a probability of finding oil there, the sudden exit follows years of protest…

    Mike Smith 3 min read
  • Our Government, the blockheads. Again

    The New Zealand Government is pleased to announce that next year they’re keen to open more than 500,000 square kilometres of our ocean for oil companies to survey and drill, including parts of the marine mammal sanctuary, home to the world’s most endangered dolphin, the Māui. 

    Sophie Schroder 2 min read
  • Te Ohu kaimoana crying crocodile tears over Kermadec Ocean Sanctuary

    It’s said that in war the first casualty is the truth. Increasingly this is now the case in politics and economics as well.Over the last week or so we’ve witnessed Te Ohu kaimoana crying crocodile tears over the “removal of Maori Treaty rights”. And sadly many are buying into this bullshit. Let’s back the truck up a…

    Mike Smith 4 min read
  • Here’s why we took the site office at the proposed Ruataniwha Dam for a 100km road trip

    Early this morning, we travelled to the proposed site of the Ruataniwha irrigation dam in Hawke’s Bay. With a small crane we uplifted the construction site office, put it on the back of a truck and drove it 100kms to Napier.  There we left it at the door of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council (HBRC).

    Genevieve Toop 1 min read
  • Ruataniwha dam down but not out… yet

    The proposed Ruataniwha Dam is the poster child of Big Irrigation.  

    Genevieve Toop 1 min read
  • Is there a dirty big irrigation scheme planned near you?

    In the last two weeks, one third of people in Havelock North have fallen ill with a gastro illness that originated in the town’s water supply. The source? Most likely contamination from cows, sheep or deer.By all accounts the last couple of weeks have been hell for the people of Havelock North. This isn’t what’s…

    Madeleine Smith 2 min read
  • Ruataniwha looks dead in the dirty water

    It’s been a tough few weeks for think-big irrigation and industrial agriculture.

    Gen Toop 1 min read
  • 3 big reasons why we need ocean sanctuaries now

    Last Friday, US President Obama announced the creation of the world’s largest ocean sanctuary, and today governments from all over the world are meeting at the United Nations in New York to develop a new treaty to save our oceans. This is fantastic news for our blue planet. Two-thirds of the ocean sit outside national borders,…

    Magnus Eckeskog 2 min read
  • Havelock, water and Ruataniwha – it’s time to join the dots

    In the last two weeks, roughly 4500 adults and children have been struck down with a waterborne gastro illness found in Havelock North’s water supply. That’s a third of the town’s entire population.Most likely source? Ruminant farm animals - quite possibly cows.The crisis has sparked concerns about industrial agriculture - not just in the Hawke’s…

    Genevieve Toop 1 min read
  • John Key is the last man standing as another oil rat prepares to jump ship

    The revelation that Shell has advised its investment bank to offload its $1 billion New Zealand portfolio is another big nail in the coffin of the Government’s petroleum agenda.

    Sophie Schroder 2 min read