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  • To save the climate, we must all push beyond our comfort zones

    I’ve always been mortified of breaking the rules. Looking back at my childhood and teens, I’m almost embarrassed by how righteously rule-abiding I’ve been. Never once got a detention in school. Never ever handed an assignment in late. Never got yellow-carded in soccer. I come from a family where “don’t stick your neck out” is…

    Amanda Larsson 2 min read
  • Is Nick Smith Minister for Magic?

    It seems the critical issue of clean swimmable water for New Zealanders has passed into the realms of magical realism. Minister for Magic, Nick Smith waved his blue wand and wadeable rivers miraculously turned into ones you can swim in.

    Gen Toop 3 min read
  • Don’t get freaked by the eco

    Funny how, over time, crazy weird becomes the new normal. There were certainly some nutty ideas floating around when I was a young fella studying Agricultural Economics at Lincoln University last millennium.

    Phil Vine 5 min read
  • A view from Waitangi by Mike Smith

     Over the last couple of days I’ve been getting calls from friends, colleagues and media organisations wanting to know what was happening at Waitangi this year. Here’s what I’ve been telling them.

    Mike Smith 2 min read
  • Neonicotinoids: A serious threat for flower-hopping life-bringers and many more animals

    At this point most people know about neonicotinoids and the serious risk they pose to honey bees. Bees are a link in a chain of biodiversity and pollination of incredible value to our food production. Up to 75% of our crops directly or indirectly depend on pollination. We need to start protecting our pollinators against…

    Anne Valette 2 min read
  • Cease and desist message delivered to seismic blasting ship

    Amazon Warrior, this is the Margaret Mahy. Do you copy? This is a peaceful protest. We will not put you, your ship or crew in any danger. We are here to oppose the seismic blasting for oil that you are doing and we, along with over 60,000 New Zealanders who have signed on to the…

    Kate Simcock 2 min read
  • Every single piece of plastic ever made still exists. Here’s the story

    From the moment we wake up in the morning and brush our teeth, to when we watch TV at the end of the day, plastic is all around us. So much so that it can be hard to imagine leaving the supermarket without at least one item that isn’t in a plastic container.

    Diego Gonzaga 2 min read
  • Victory! World’s largest marine protected area established off Antarctica!

    Today, the largest marine protected area in the world was created in the Ross Sea, off the coast of Antarctica. This is a HUGE victory for the whales, penguins, and toothfish that live there and for the millions of people standing up to protect our oceans. 

    Willie Mackenzie 2 min read
  • Why we are taking Arctic oil to court

    With this historic court case a new generation is now taking action to stop oil companies from kidnapping our future. Nature & Youth and Greenpeace Nordic, alongside a broad coalition, have filed an unprecedented people-powered legal case against the Norwegian government. 

    Ingrid Skjoldvær and Truls Gulowsen 2 min read
  • This is not a drill. Greenpeace calls for a summer of action

    This is huge. After years of local community opposition and relentless pressure by us, Statoil has pulled the plug on its Reinga basin drilling plans in Northland. This is a momentous victory that thousands of people like you helped make possible. And it’s a huge cause for celebration for the Northland communities, who for years…

    Kate Simcock 1 min read