This year holds unprecedented opportunities for ocean protection. These exciting and  future-defining moments don’t come around often, so let’s make the most of them.

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If we work together, we can urge the government to safeguard the ocean from the threats it faces both at home and abroad. In 2023 we have a real opportunity to get destructive bottom trawling banned from the places it does the most damage and to finalise a strong Global Ocean Treaty.

Imagine that! Huge swathes of the high seas fully protected from the ravages of industrial fishing and mining, and the waters around Aotearoa being given a chance to recover and thrive too.

These wins aren’t guaranteed, but if we work together, we can get these wins across the line for the ocean. 

Over the next few months, the government will ask for your views on issues affecting the ocean. It’s vital that as many people as possible stand up for the ocean that connects us. Let’s tell the government to get this done.

PETITION: Support the creation of global ocean sanctuaries

From destructive fishing and mining, to climate change – the threats facing our oceans are growing greater by the day. We urgently need a network of ocean sanctuaries across the globe to protect them.

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