2023 has been a big year – and supporters like you have continued to make a difference for the planet – and all the life that calls it home. Thank you!

Please enjoy the latest issue of Kākāriki to see the positive impact you’ve made on the planet over the last few months. You’ll find out how you have:

  • Fought for strong climate action
  • Championed global ocean sanctuaries that will protect vast swathes of the ocean
  • Lobbied against bottom trawling and other destructive commercial fishing methods
  • Held off the deep sea mining industry’s plans to extract from the sea floor
  • Fought for a strong Global Plastic Treaty that will tackle unnecessary single-use plastics

Also included in this issue of Kākāriki is information about leaving Greenpeace a gift in your Will – and how to order a 2024 calendar.

Read Kākāriki – Greenpeace’s supporter magazine – below.