People powered change

As you read this, you are part of an incredible history of peaceful protest, creating positive, lasting change for the planet for over five decades. You are a member of a worldwide Greenpeace community of supporters, activists, scientists and campaigners.

15,000 protesters marching up Queen Street, Auckland, carrying a large banner that reads 'Solutions not pollution'.
15,000 New Zealanders take part in the Peoples Climate March in Queen St, Auckland, kicking off what will be the largest climate mobilisation the world has ever seen. © Nigel Marple / Greenpeace

Since our first voyage, a small group of brave people protesting against nuclear testing off the coast of Alaska in 1971, Greenpeace has grown into a global organisation, fighting for the planet’s future with offices in 55 countries. 

Aotearoa’s legacy: How the shocking bombing of the Rainbow Warrior led to a catalyst of change

The history of Greenpeace in Aotearoa is unique. I am lucky enough to speak to people in the Greenpeace community who remember the bombing of the Rainbow Warrior in 1985. I wasn’t born at the time of the bombing, but I’m told of how it shook not only Greenpeace activists but the whole country.

The event lives in the memory of New Zealanders as a stark reminder of the callousness of the pursuit of power. The importance governments and corporations place on short-term financial gain at the detriment of everything and everyone else.

Funding freedom: Why Greenpeace rejects corporate and Government money

Greenpeace is proud to never accept money from governments or corporations. This independence enables us to hold the powerful accountable for their actions and drive positive change for the planet. That is only possible because of people like you. Greenpeace’s work in Aotearoa New Zealand and worldwide is funded by individuals who share our vision of a biodiverse, unpolluted, protected land and ocean.

The power of monthly donations: Funding the fight for a greener future

I have worked for Greenpeace Aotearoa for over four years now. I am humbled and inspired daily by the forethought and generosity of the thousands of Greenpeace supporters who passionately believe future generations deserve to inherit an earth with clean water, clean air and clean food. Through you, the planet has a voice. 

You can already be proud of the victories we have achieved for the planet. After the bombing of the Rainbow Warrior, the death of Fernando Pereira, and two further years of public campaigning, New Zealand declared itself nuclear-free. In 2018, a ban on all new oil and gas exploration permits was achieved in New Zealand waters. Again and again, we continue to stand up to giant corporations and world governments against the odds for the good of Aotearoa and the planet. 

Oil Drill Withdrawal Festival in New Zealand. © Nigel Marple / Greenpeace
Greenpeace crew and members of Te Whanau a Apanui (Maori group) celebrate the withdrawal oil giant Petrobras which had planned to drill for deep sea oil off Whangaparaoa, East Cape. A message made from seaweed reads ‘Oil free as NZ should be’. © Nigel Marple / Greenpeace

Thanks to YOU, Greenpeace Aotearoa can take on huge multinational corporations with huge profits, expensive lawyers, and big-budget marketing campaigns. A massive 74% of Greenpeace funding comes from thousands of people giving regular monthly donations. 

Funding comes from regular direct debit donations from incredible people who give what they can each month. Incredible people who spare what they can to support the planet. This type of consistent support is the backbone of the Greenpeace movement. Without it, we wouldn’t exist, let alone be able to achieve the kind of victories we can all be so proud to have accomplished over the last five decades. 

Leaving a legacy: Bequests and the gift of lasting impact

After regular donations, gifts left in Wills are the highest contributor to campaign funding. Leaving a gift to charity in your will makes up a significant amount of Greenpeace Aotearoa’s funding. That percentage from bequests is growing each year as supporters take the opportunity to create a legacy with a lasting impact. 

Often, with this incredible type of gift, people decide to dedicate their legacy to a specific campaign that is close to their heart. Whether that’s continuing to fight climate change through challenging New Zealand’s most polluting industries in the hope that future generations can swim in the lakes and rivers of Aotearoa. Protecting the oceans by opposing destructive practices such as bottom trawling and deep sea mining or working to eliminate plastic pollution and end the throwaway, single-use culture. The decision is to create a better future for the planet and those who inherit it from us.

One-off gifts for urgent action: Amplifying your voice

About 4% of Greenpeace Aotearoa’s funding comes from donations from our wonderful supporters towards specific campaigns. To complement vital monthly contributions, this type of one-off gift is often made at critical times in campaigns, such as preparation for the Global Oceans Treaty.

In the lead-up to the Treaty, you may have seen a lot of Greenpeace Aotearoa on billboards, TV, mainstream and social media, drawing public attention to the negotiations and the issues at stake. There needed to be people in that room to represent you, me and the planet. Thanks to those financial gifts, all that was made possible, and we could celebrate a historic victory for the Oceans and the earth.

Pictured is a digital billboard playing a video of Greenpeace supporters making a plea for strong action to protect the oceans.
Greenpeace Aotearoa volunteers during petition activity calling for the NZ Govt to support a strong Global Oceans Treaty at the UN in March 2022.

Just over 3% of funding for Greenpeace Aoteraoa’s campaigns comes from one-off gifts. Unbelievable acts of generosity, unprompted and unplanned, from truly remarkable people. This type of gift shows us how much trust people have in our work and believe that we have the power to create a better future for the planet together. 

Take action: Learn more about leaving a legacy with Greenpeace Aotearoa

As we stand at a critical juncture in the face of the climate crisis and the depletion of the oceans, your support becomes even more vital. You have the power to create positive and lasting change for future generations. I want to thank you for your incredible support. The planet’s future genuinely depends on us and our actions right now. You can read more about how to add a gift to Greenpeace Aotearoa to your legacy below.

Front page of the Legacy Booklet "Let your legacy change the world". The cover features an adult humpback whale with her calf, swimming near Ningaloo Reef, Australia.
Leave a gift to Greenpeace Aotearoa

Your legacy can create lasting change for future generations

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