In July I represented Greenpeace at the Mā’ohi Nui Lives Matter solidarity rally in Tamaki Makaurau (Auckland). The event, called Mai te Paura Atōmī i te ti’amara’a: From Bomb Contamination to Self-determination, was held in solidarity and in sync with the main event in Pape’ete.

Crew members of the Rainbow Warrior joined Tahiti’s largest ever demonstration in Papeete in protest at French President Chirac’s decision to resume nuclear testing at Moruroa atoll in 1995. Several thousand demonstrators blocked roads around the city. TheWarrior was en route to Moruroa to protest French nuclear testing.

Greenpeace has a long history in the Pacific and with the struggle to end nuclear testing there, and then to get justice for the people impacted by nuclear fallout. Today I work on a campaign to stop deep sea mining in the Pacific and see many parallels.

Here is the speech I gave.

Kia Ora koutou katoa,
Ko Mahuhukiterangi te waka
Ko Taurere te maunga
Ko Tāmaki te awa
Ko Ngāti Whātua te iwi
Ko Te Uri O Hau
Ko James Hita ahau

It’s simply beautiful to be here with people like Whaea Hilda Harawira, her and Hone were a crucial part of our mahi in the Tāmaki Housing Action Group. Thank you for being so staunch and upholding our mana. 

We’re here today to look back on historical injustice. To call for action. To make right what was wrong. France needs to acknowledge their wrongdoings to the Ma’ohi Nui people, pay compensation for things like the ongoing healthcare needs due to the nuclear contamination of 110,000 people, and finally give indigenous people true Tino Rangatiratanga through independence from France.

For years the people who have gone before me have fought these issues with pride, passion, and mana. We younger ones have been watching, learning, and becoming inspired. We are standing. We are becoming aware of the injustices of the world and are ready to be a part of the change. 

Just as they wanted to test nuclear weapons on Te Moananui a Kiwa, they now want to test destructive new technologies like Seabed Mining. Taking no responsibility for the generations of trauma this will cause. Our oceans are a precious lifeline for the Pacific, and subjecting the ocean to the risk of Seabed Mining is directly putting pacific peoples at risk.

The seafloor represents 80% of all life on earth, but we’ve only just scratched the surface in understanding it. Only 0.0001% of the deep sea floor has actually been studied. Yet we have companies like DeepGreen, taking advantage of our people to start digging it all up in the name of profit. They can’t do it without sponsorship from small island nations. So we have the power to stop it.

We all have a vision of a world where people are respected no matter who they are. Where climate injustice, indigenous injustice, or social injustices just don’t occur. The companies behind this technology must not share that vision. They are taking advantage of small pacific island nations. They think that Tangata Whenua will not take a stand. But they were wrong before. For generations they were wrong, and we will show them once again that they are wrong. We will take a stand!

Each and every one of you today will feel the energy, the passion, and the drive from the long standing activists in this room. Draw on that, then move. When you go home today, spend a bit of time getting educated on the issue. Look up as much as you can find. Find out what the threats are. Find out how urgent this is. Then talk about it. Have the conversation with your friends and family. Ask them if they’ve heard of SBM. Then educate them. Spread the knowledge amongst our people. Because in knowledge is power, and in people is passion.

Victor, a Greenpeace International activist from Fiji displays a banner reading “Our Pacific Is Not Yours To Destroy” in front of the Maersk Launcher, a ship chartered by DeepGreen, one of the companies spearheading the drive to mine the barely understood deep sea ecosystem. The Rainbow Warrior is in the Pacific to bear witness to deep sea mining industry.
PETITION: Ban seabed mining

Seabed mining is a new threat to the oceans. Now is our chance to prevent the destruction before it’s too late.

Take Action