Everyone should be able to trust that their water is clean and safe. But nitrate contamination is a growing problem in parts of New Zealand, thanks to synthetic nitrogen fertiliser and intensive dairying.

This weekend, Greenpeace is running free drop-in water testing, to enable Canterbury households to check their bore water for nitrate contamination:

10am – 2pm, Saturday 29th May at Dunsandel Community Centre.
9am – 1pm, Sunday 30th May at Woodend Community Centre.

Bring 100mL of your water in a clean container for testing.

We’re running the testing in conjunction with the New Zealand Federation of Freshwater Anglers, who are providing the spectrometer testing machine.

The testing comes as more health concerns are being raised over high levels of nitrate contamination in drinking water supplies, including adverse birth outcomes as reported by University of Otago researchers, and increased rates of bowel cancers.

We’re calling on the Government to drop the limit on nitrate allowed in our water and phase out synthetic nitrogen fertiliser, so we can all enjoy an Aotearoa where rivers run clear and our tap water is safe to drink.

PETITION: Get nitrates out of our drinking water

Call on the Government to lower the limit for nitrates in drinking water to safe levels

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