There are dramatic scenes unfolding at Fonterra’s corporate HQ in Auckland this morning as employees arrive at work to find the dairy giant’s head offices have been turned into a flood zone

Fonterra climate protest
Activists have piled flood-damaged household items at the Fonterra HQ in a climate protest © Greenpeace / Bryce Groves

Police are on the scene, the first floor appears to be full of water, and Greenpeace activists have placed a huge pile of storm-damaged furniture at the dairy giant’s doorstep in a climate protest.

“This action is a clear reminder of Fonterra’s status as New Zealand’s biggest climate polluter, and a call on Prime Minister Hipkins to act with urgency to regulate the country’s worst polluter to protect current and future generations,” says Greenpeace climate campaigner Christine Rose from the scene.

Big Dairy = Big Storms!
Big Dairy = Big Storms!

Fonterra’s emissions helped to fuel the summer’s devastating and deadly storms, causing destruction to livelihoods and communities across the country.

Activists have installed the ruined remains of people’s homes, highlighting the direct liability of Fonterra and the intensive dairy industry for the escalating climate crisis.

PETITION: Cut climate emissions from Big Dairy

Join our call on the Government to go further than the Climate Commission’s inadequate recommendations and cut climate pollution from NZ’s biggest polluter: industrial dairying.

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