Amazon Warrior, this is the Margaret Mahy. Do you copy?

The world’s biggest seismic blasting ship – the Amazon Warrior, AKA the ‘The Beast’ – is exploring for oil in the seas between Kaikoura and Napier. Despite the climate crisis, the risk of catastrophic oil spills and the immediate harm done to marine life, Statoil and Chevron are exploring for new oil at the invitation of the NZ Govt.

It’s utter madness.

Today, two Greenpeace boats intercepted the 126 metre-long monster and from on board one  – the Margaret Mahy – Greenpeace climate campaigner Kate Simcock, delivered a message directly to the master of the ship on behalf of almost 70,000 people who have signed on to the letter to Statoil and Chevron.

Also on board is Raihania Tipoki, of Ngāti Kahungunu. He’ll deliver this message of protest from over 80 hapū of te Ikaroa.

Below is a transcript of Kate’s radio message:

“Amazon Warrior. Amazon Warrior. Amazon Warrior.

This is the Greenpeace Rhib Margaret Mahy. Margaret Mahy. Margaret Mahy. Do you copy?

This is a peaceful protest. We will not put you, your ship or crew in any danger.

We are here to oppose the seismic blasting for oil that you are doing and we, along with over 60,000 New Zealanders who have signed on to the following letter, demand that you cease immediately.

The world is facing a climate crisis.

Do you copy?

Climate change is a global threat from which no one is safe. It impacts every person, community and every living thing on earth.  Including my family and your family also.

The science is very clear – we must stop burning oil, gas and coal. 

If we are to avoid catastrophic climate change we can’t afford to burn even known reserves of oil let alone the new oil that you are looking for.

The seismic blasting that you are doing and the deep sea oil drilling that Statoil and Chevron want to do at extreme depths in our precious oceans also bring immediate impacts and risks. 

Our oceans are a place rich in wildlife: With dolphins, whales, penguins, albatross, seals and sea lions, fish, crayfish, shellfish and whole oceanic ecosystems that are unique and many of which are rare and endangered. 

We have a deep connection with our ocean. It is where we fish for our food. It is where we spend time with our families and how we make a living.  It is central to our lives.  

For the sake of our oceans, our climate, our coastlines and for our own sake, we are determined to ensure that deep sea oil drilling does not happen here.

Just as Greenpeace, in alliance with local iwi and communities, successfully resisted the deep sea drilling plans of Petrobras, then Anadarko, and then Statoil in Northland, we will also resist deep sea oil drilling by Statoil and Chevron here in Te Ikaroa.

I repeat our request and demand that you abandon your search for oil to drill in our oceans and leave immediately for the sake of your family, my family and all of our children and grandchildren.

You are not welcome here.

We will resist you and defend our oceans and the world’s climate with every peaceful means at our disposal.

Haere ra.

Margaret Mahy standing by on 16.”