In June 2021, the Government announced a significant new policy to end fish dumping in Aotearoa. This is great news for the ocean – and will mean the commercial fishing industry has to land everything they catch. It will mean they need to be more targeted in their fishing, so there will be less waste.

However – as with many of the rules put in place to protect the ocean, there’s no way to ensure they’re being followed unless we have cameras on the full commercial fishing fleet. The Government has now confirmed plans to put cameras on part of New Zealand’s fleet, but we need 100% coverage to ensure ocean protection.

Join the campaign to get cameras on the full fleet urgently.

Here’s a video we made in September 2020 about this campaign. While the situation around dumping has shifted thanks to the new policy announcement, we still need cameras for transparency and accountability around this.

Already signed the petition and want to do more? Take a look at our open letter for ocean protection – calling for widespread changes to protect the ocean.

PETITION: Cameras on boats to protect the oceans

Call on the NZ Govt to commit to implementing cameras on the whole commercial fishing fleet. I want to see a clear plan to meet this deadline and transparent reporting on progress of that plan.

Take Action