What an amazing turnout for Banners on the Beach!

Little more than two weeks ago we put a call out for a mobilisation on the beach to support the Oil Free Seas flotilla.

That’s not much lead in time but on Saturday we saw over 5000 people on more than 45 beaches get out and get loud!

There were haka and there were chants of 1 2 3 4 Anadarko Out the Door, there was laughter and there were banners. Lots of banners with lots of different slogans.
But there was one clear message: Deep Sea Drilling is not welcome in NZ waters.

Below is a collection of photos of the people by the people, and you can shoot over to facebook and tag yourself or your mates. (If you’ve got photos to add please email them to with the beach in the subject line.)

And it’s not over yet – the Flotilla is still with the drill-ship 6 days after its arrival, and the Greenpeace sponsored yacht Vega has been inside the 500m zone for the entire time.
Mobilisations like Banners on the Beach are critically important because the battle to stop deep sea oil drilling will be won by people standing up and making their opposition visible.
This is just the beginning, so stay tuned, stay active and let’s keep the pressure on the government and Anadarko.

Head to www.greenpeace.org.nz/oilaction if you need some action inspiration.