As New Zealand elected John Key’s National Government for a third term, the world witnessed the largest climate protest in history. More than 600,000 people made the call for a clean energy future in the ‘People’s Climate March’.

Climate Voter clocked in at more than 62,000 and showed that there is a strong desire in New Zealand for action on climate change, and for a cleaner smarter economy.

New Zealand’s election result is not a mandate for climate in-action. It is not a mandate for more deep sea oil drilling, fracking, mining, and more roads — and we must not let it be seen as that.

It’s now up to all of us now to turn up the volume, maintain the momentum and transform those numbers online to numbers on the street! Like all effective movements, we take a long view and we keep on turning up!

And we now have another great opportunity.

This summer, Norwegian oil giant Statoil will do seismic testing in the deep sea off Northland’s west coast. This is the start of yet another dangerous attempt at deep sea drilling that risks oil washing ashore on one of the most spectacular coastlines in the world.

On Tuesday Next week Statoil is attending and sponsoring an oil industry conference in Auckland at the SkyCity convention centre.

People from Northland coastal communities are beginning a hikoi from Cape Reinga to Auckland to confront the oil industry at the conference. They’re calling for people to join them along the way, and local group Oil Free Auckland is organising a march up Queen Street to join the Waiho Papa Moana hikoi as they march to the conference.

We’re all going down, will you join us?

Bring a placard and friends and family or just yourself and show the government and the oil industry that the fight to stop deep sea oil drilling is as strong as ever.

Meet us at Britomart, Tuesday 30th September at 12 noon – see you there!

Click here now to RSVP on facebook, share and invite your friends.