Download from of our free Zoom background images to switch up your Zoom meeting background!

Free Zoom backgrounds

As we deal with the Covid coronavirus lockdown, lots of us are working from home. To keep in touch with our colleagues, many of us are spending a lot of time on Zoom meetings as a result.

It’s challenging in lots of ways, but one thing that can be a bit awkward is the clothes rack of underwear in the background, or the old Duran Duran poster adorning the bedroom wall.

One trick to make your video calls more interesting and to block out any unwanted indoor scenes from your makeshift home office is custom Zoom backgrounds!

Here’s some images from the Greenpeace photo library which you can use to pimp your Zoom. Enjoy!

Click on the Zoom background image you want, then ‘right click‘ and choose ‘Save Image As’.

1. Underwater coral garden Zoom background

Batfish swim over coral gardens in the early morning light at Kanawa Island near Flores, Indonesia. The island is located in the Komodo National Park.
© Paul Hilton / Greenpeace © Paul Hilton / Greenpeace

2. Amazon rainforest river Zoom background

Amazon rainforest river Zoom background image. 
© Greenpeace / John Novis
River and rainforest. Amazon, Brazil
© Greenpeace / John Novis © Greenpeace / John Novis

3. Wind turbines Zoom background

Wind turbines in Tromsø, Norway at sunrise taken from the Greenpeace ship Esperanza. Clean renewable energy is the future! 
© Robert Marc Lehmann / Greenpeace
Wind turbines in Tromsø, Norway at sunrise taken from the Greenpeace ship Esperanza. Clean renewable energy is the future!
© Greenpeace

4. Orca swimming in New Zealand

Orca swimming in New Zealand Zoom background image. 
© Rasmus Törnqvist / Greenpeace
Orca whales off North Island, New Zealand. We need to protect the oceans to protect their home.
© Robert Marc Lehmann / Greenpeace

5. Polar bear up close and personal

Polar bear Zoom background image 

© Will Rose / Greenpeace
A collared polar bear looks up at the camera. The collar has a GPS tracker installed by scientists to track the polar bear’s movements. Climate change puts the polar bear’s Arctic home under threat.
© Rasmus Törnqvist / Greenpeace

6. Puffins in the foreground Zoom background

Puffins - A Greenpeace expedition around Scottish coastlines has found plastic in the feeding grounds of basking sharks, in the habitats of puffins 
© Will Rose / Greenpeace
The Shiant Isles are home to large populations of seabirds, including thousands of Puffins, Guillemots and Razorbills found on the cree slopes of the island Garbh Eilean. A Greenpeace expedition around Scottish coastlines found plastic in the habitats of puffins
© Will Rose / Greenpeace

7. Reflections of the Greenpeace ship Arctic Sunrise

Greenpeace ship Zoom background 
© Will Rose / Greenpeace
Greenpeace Arctic Sunrise in water reflection. © Will Rose / Greenpeace

8. Icebergs in the Antarctic

Icebergs in Charlotte Bay, Antarctic Peninsula. Greenpeace is conducting scientific research and documenting the Antarctic’s unique wildlife, to strengthen the proposal to create the largest protected area on the planet, an Antarctic Ocean Sanctuary. 
© Christian Åslund / Greenpeace
Icebergs in Charlotte Bay, Antarctic Peninsula. Greenpeace is conducting scientific research and documenting the Antarctic’s unique wildlife, to strengthen the proposal to create the largest protected area on the planet, an Antarctic Ocean Sanctuary. © Christian Åslund / Greenpeace

9. Protect the Antarctic iceberg projection

Beautiful Zoom background images by Greenpeace
Greenpeace is on a three-month expedition to the Antarctic to carry out scientific research, including seafloor submarine dives and sampling for plastic pollution, to highlight the urgent need for the creation of a 1.8 million square kilometre Antarctic Ocean Sanctuary to safeguard species like whales and penguins. © Greenpeace / Matthew Kemp

10. The Rainbow Warrior arriving in the Waitemata

The Rainbow Warrior with Rangitoto in the background Zoom background image 
© Greenpeace / Geoff Reid
Aerial of the Rainbow Warrior entering the Hauraki Gulf, with Rangitoto in the background. © Greenpeace / Geoff Reid

11. Humpback whale in the Pacific

Whale tail Zoom background image
© Paul Hilton / Greenpeace
Humpback whales, enjoy the warm waters of the Pacific ocean, Tonga. © Paul Hilton / Greenpeace

12. The Rainbow Warrior arrives in Wellington

The Rainbow Warrior arrives in Wellington. The Greenpeace ship has spent the last few weeks visiting ports around the country. 
© Nigel Marple / Greenpeace
The Rainbow Warrior arrives in Wellington. The Greenpeace ship has spent the last few weeks visiting ports around the country. © Nigel Marple / Greenpeace

13. Protest with Hot Air Balloon against Nuclear Weapons

Greenpeace activists protest at the air base Buechel in Rhineland-Palatinate for the withdrawal of all US American nuclear weapons from Germany. © Bernd Lauter / Greenpeace

14. Elephant seal on Elephant Island!

Elephant seals on Elephant Island.  Greenpeace was back in the Antarctic recently on the last stage of the Pole to Pole Expedition. We have teamed up with a group of scientists to investigate and document the impacts the climate crisis is already having in this area. 
© Abbie Trayler-Smith / Greenpeace
Elephant seals on Elephant Island. Greenpeace was back in the Antarctic recently on the last stage of the Pole to Pole Expedition. We have teamed up with a group of scientists to investigate and document the impacts the climate crisis is already having in this area.
© Abbie Trayler-Smith / Greenpeace

15. Adélie penguins in Antarctica

One of the largest Adélie penguin colonies in Antarctica is situated in Hope Bay on Trinity Peninsula, which is the northernmost part of the Antarctic Peninsula. Just outside Hope Bay, the Antarctic Sound connect the Bransfield Strait to the Weddell Sea. In this area, Greenpeace conducted submarine-based scientific research to strengthen the proposal to create the largest protected area on the planet, an Antarctic Ocean Sanctuary.
© Christian Åslund / Greenpeace
One of the largest Adélie penguin colonies in Antarctica is situated in Hope Bay on Trinity Peninsula, which is the northernmost part of the Antarctic Peninsula. Just outside Hope Bay, the Antarctic Sound connect the Bransfield Strait to the Weddell Sea. In this area, Greenpeace conducted submarine-based scientific research to strengthen the proposal to create the largest protected area on the planet, an Antarctic Ocean Sanctuary. © Christian Åslund / Greenpeace

16. Sharks!

Silky sharks circle a recently placed FAD (fish aggregating device)  in international waters in the Indian Ocean. The marine snare was left by a vessel supplying Thai Union. A Greenpeace team recovered the FAD and took it back to the Esperanza for dismantling.
© Will Rose / Greenpeace
Silky sharks circle a recently placed FAD (fish aggregating device) in international waters in the Indian Ocean. The marine snare was left by a vessel supplying Thai Union. A Greenpeace team recovered the FAD and took it back to the Esperanza for dismantling. © Will Rose / Greenpeace

17. A polar bear resting

A polar bear rests in the icy water in Svalbard.  A Virtual Reality video team joined Greenpeace on a trip to Svalbard to document the rapidly changing Arctic. Using a range of Virtual Reality video cameras to capture the stunning beauty of the last remnants of pristine wilderness, this immersive new technology allows us to bring people to the high Arctic, to witness for themselves the majestic landscapes and wildlife affected by humanities ruthless quest for resources. 
© Rasmus Törnqvist / Greenpeace
A polar bear rests in the icy water in Svalbard. A Virtual Reality video team joined Greenpeace on a trip to Svalbard to document the rapidly changing Arctic. Using a range of Virtual Reality video cameras to capture the stunning beauty of the last remnants of pristine wilderness, this immersive new technology allows us to bring people to the high Arctic, to witness for themselves the majestic landscapes and wildlife affected by humanities ruthless quest for resources. © Rasmus Törnqvist / Greenpeace

18. Melting pack ice

Pack ice melting in the middle of June. Begin of the Arctic summer. 
© Bernd Roemmelt / Greenpeace
Pack ice melting in the middle of June. Begin of the Arctic summer. Packeis beginnt Mitte Juni zu schmelzen. Start des kurzen arktischen Sommers in der Hocharktis. © Bernd Roemmelt / Greenpeace

19. The crew of the Phyllis Cormack

© Greenpeace / Robert Keziere
The crew of the Phyllis Cormack (also called “Greenpeace”) on-board the ship. Clockwise from top left: Hunter, Moore, Cummings, Metcalfe, Birmingham, Cormack, Darnell, Simmons, Bohlen, Thurston, Fineberg. This is a photographic record by Robert Keziere of the very first Greenpeace voyage, which departed Vancouver on the 15th September 1971. The aim of the trip was to halt nuclear tests in Amchitka Island by sailing into the restricted area. Crew on-board the ship, are the pioneers of the green movement who formed the original group that became Greenpeace.
© Greenpeace / Robert Keziere

20. Stop deep sea oil march in Auckland

Thousands of protestors in Auckland march against deep sea oil drilling. Carrying placards and beating drums they show their opposition to the government’s oil drilling programme saying it poses risks to New Zealand’s marine mammals, oceans, coasts, economy and way of life.

21. Resist!

Greenpeace activists deploy a banner on a construction crane near the White House reading “RESIST” on President Trump’s fifth day in office. The activists are calling for those who want to resist Trump’s attacks on environmental, social, economic and educational justice to contribute to a better America.

22. Submarine with Javier Bardem in the Antarctic

Actor and Antarctic ambassador Javier Bardem in a submarine being launched from Greenpeace ship the Arctic Sunrise exploring the Antarctic seafloor on around 270 meters depth in Charlotte Bay off the Gerlache Strait.

23. Bridge blockade

Activists formed an aerial bridge blockade in the path of a Trans Mountain tar sands oil tanker traffic. The tar sands oil tanker was docked at the Kinder Morgan’s Westridge Marine Terminal. The blockade was part of wave of growing resistance against the controversial Trans Mountain Expansion pipeline and tanker project (TMX). The activists suspended from the Iron Workers Memorial Bridge in Vancouver, British Columbia.

24. Inside a wind turbine installation

Workers at Keppel Prince in Portland manufacture and install wind turbines in Australia’s burgeoning industry.

25. Underwater peek of a Greenpeace ship in the Antarctic

Greenpeace ship Arctic Sunrise in Hope Bay, the Antarctic Sound, conducting submarine-based research of the seafloor to identify Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems, which will strengthen the case for the largest protected area on the planet, an Antarctic Ocean Sanctuary.
Protect The Oceans

From climate change and plastics, to deep sea mining and overfishing –  the threats facing our oceans are growing and becoming more urgent by the day. Here’s how we protect them.

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