Photo of Rainbow Warrior flying a People>Profit banner
With the Government currently reviewing the settings around political donations, this is a chance to change this, kick big money out of politics and give everyone a fair say in how Aotearoa is governed.

The NZ Government is currently reviewing its settings around political donations – which Greenpeace says is much-needed, and Greenpeace is calling for a ban on corporate donations, a ban on anonymous donations above $100 and a cap on the amount any one individual can donate to a political party or candidate.

Greenpeace Aotearoa Programme Director Niamh O’Flynn recently addressed the issue in an opinion piece, saying: “Every New Zealand deserves to have a say in how our country is governed, regardless of how much money they have. But right now, wealthy corporations and rich individuals are donating huge sums of money to political parties.”

Greenpeace Aotearoa also made a submission to the Ministry of Justice regarding changes to political donation rules in the Electoral Act recently.

You can read the full submission here.