The Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC-2) for the Global Plastics Treaty is taking place in May of this year. This is the second session of negotiations towards establishing a Global Plastics Treaty.

Last November at INC-1, we were pleased to witness the New Zealand delegation make a strong intervention. The delegate illustrated the scale, pervasiveness and injustice of plastic pollution, the need for coordinated, global action and a keenness from our government to begin taking action. They reminded the audience that over 99% of plastic derives from oil and gas and that lack of regulation was driving the global plastic problem. Waste hierarchy principles like refill, reuse and repair were named as necessary to the solution.

Greenpeace Aotearoa’s petition calling for an ambitious Global Plastics Treaty has been signed by over 36,000 people.

You can read the collective submission from Greenpeace below.

PETITION: Demand a Global Plastics Treaty

Call on the NZ Government to ban unnecessary single-use plastic bottles* in NZ, and to incentivise reusable and refillable alternatives.

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