The New Zealand Government brought in a cap on synthetic nitrogen fertiliser (synthetic fertiliser) as part of the 2020 freshwater reforms. During the consultation period Greenpeace submitted in support of a full phase-out of synthetic fertiliser, along with thousands of New Zealanders. The following briefing makes the case for a full phase-out and includes:

  1. A summary of the climate and water quality impacts of synthetic fertiliser and its role in the breach of the safe planetary boundary for nitrogen pollution.
  2. An overview of the use of synthetic fertiliser in New Zealand
  3. The economic benefits of phasing out its use.
  4. Other matters relevant to the need for a full phase-out.
  5. How a synthetic fertiliser phase-out could be applied.
  6. International examples of synthetic fertiliser prohibitions and stringent caps
PETITION: Get nitrates out of our drinking water

Call on the Government to lower the limit for nitrates in drinking water to safe levels

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