Wednesday, July 7: Talley’s bottom trawler the Amaltal Enterprise had just dumped a giant three kilometre net at sea, days before it was the target of a Greenpeace protest to stop its ocean destruction.

Greenpeace activists painted a giant ‘stop’ message on the side of the Enterprise early on Tuesday morning, followed by a light show of further cease and desist messages. The activity caused Talley’s to brand the activists vandals.

New information revealed today confirmed the Talley’s bottom trawler returned to the Port of Nelson after dumping a giant net into the ocean.

Jessica Desmond, ocean campaigner at Greenpeace Aotearoa, says it’s clear who the real vandals are.

“Bottom trawling is an attack on the environment,” she says.

“If they’re not bulldozing the seafloor habitat, killing other marine life like sharks and dolphins, and releasing vital carbon stores – then they’re literally dumping their rubbish into the ocean.

“This is just another example of what little regard this company has for ocean health. It’s time for them to stop bottom trawling seamounts so the ocean can start to heal.”

Greenpeace and more than 50,000 New Zealanders are calling for bottom trawling to be banned on seamounts. 

NZ trawler dumps huge coral bottom trawling
PETITION: Ban bottom trawling on seamounts

Join the call to demand that the NZ Govt bans bottom trawling on seamounts and similar deep sea features, and stop issuing permits for bottom trawling in international waters.

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