With just fifty days until the 2023 election, Greenpeace Aotearoa is calling on all political parties to step up and commit to bold and urgent climate action. The organisation says that this year’s election must be a climate election, as the climate crisis hits communities around the world.

Christine Rose, Greenpeace spokesperson, says “From Tairāwhiti in Aotearoa to Maui in Hawai’i, we’re seeing the climate crisis unfold around the world. As we get closer to the 2023 election, people are calling for strong leadership on climate action. But our political leaders have not yet stepped up to the task.

“It’s time for all politicians to address the cow in the room. All political parties must have a credible plan to cut climate pollution from Big Dairy.

“When it comes to intensive dairy, both the National and Labour Party have kicked the can down the road over successive parliamentary terms, but we cannot afford more delays on tackling New Zealand’s worst climate polluter.

“Climate change hit home for New Zealanders this year. From Cyclone Gabrielle, to the Auckland Anniversary floods, and the severe drought experienced by much of the South Island, climate change is here and we need real action to address it,” says Rose.

“New Zealanders around the country campaigned for a ban on oil and gas exploration off our coastlines, and in 2018, we won. But even that is at risk, with the National Party committing to bring back the search for new offshore oil and gas to burn. It’s clear that this election will define climate action here in Aotearoa for years to come.

“It’s time for all political parties to deliver on the right to a safe and stable climate and healthy environment. This must be a climate election, because everything is on the line.”