Responding to today’s oil block offer announcement by Simon Bridges, Greenpeace’s senior climate campaigner Simon Boxer said:

“This looks like a desperate, last-ditch bid by the government to try and save their failing oil plans.

“Last month not one single petroleum company was searching for oil using exploratory drilling. And the government’s last block offer was a massive flop, with not one taker for any deep sea drilling permit.

“It’s mad that John Key continues to prop up this sunset industry and ignore widespread local opposition from many, including councils. Climate change is the defining struggle of our generation and it needs to be dealt with now.”

More than 200 people descended on New Zealand’s largest oil industry conference at dawn this morning and blocked entrances as part of a Greenpeace-organised demonstration of peaceful civil disobedience.

It‘s the first time in New Zealand that Greenpeace has invited the general public to take civil disobedience action en masse. The day’s activities are being livestreamed here.

The protest comes just days after the announcement that February 2016 was the hottest month in history.