Greenpeace is welcoming the Government announcement tonight to end fish dumping and discards, but says cameras on the full commercial fishing fleet is essential to ensure this regulation is followed. 

Russel Norman, executive director of Greenpeace Aotearoa, says the move requiring all fish caught to be landed shows the Government is serious about increasing ocean protection, but that more must be done. 

“Over the years we’ve seen repeated scandals with illegal widespread fish dumping by the industry. Every year hundreds of tonnes of fish are dumped dead or dying back into the ocean. This new measure is a step in the right direction to tackling that.

“But without a more comprehensive cameras on boats programme the industry can continue to operate out of sight, out of mind.  Quite simply, we need cameras across the board to ensure compliance.

30,000 New Zealanders have signed a Greenpeace petition calling for cameras across the commercial fleet. It’s time the Government listened to them.”

“To ensure this measure is effective the fishing industry must not receive any increases to quota. Otherwise the benefits of the no dumping policy will be entirely negated.

“We know that to protect the health of the ocean, we need to change the way commercial fishing operates. The no dumping policy is a great step towards that, but more is needed.

“The waters of Aotearoa are home to an estimated 80% of our native biodiversity, and to species that are found nowhere else. It is essential we protect them for the future.

“For a healthy planet we need a healthy ocean. It regulates the climate and provides the oxygen we breathe. The Government must continue to increase their ambition around ocean protection if we’re to protect it for us and future generations.”