New Zealand’s ratification of the Paris Agreement won’t be worth the paper it’s written on unless the Government abandons its “climate denialist” policies, says Greenpeace.

The Government has announced it will ratify the Paris agreement by the end of the year. Under the agreement New Zealand has pledged to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to 30 percent below 2005 levels by 2030.

“What part of new roads, oil and gas exploration, solar taxes and intensive dairying will help us reach the Paris target?” said Greenpeace Climate Campaigner Kate Simcock.

“No Government serious about honouring the Agreement introduces policies like the National Party’s

“If you’re serious about tackling climate change, you close the Huntly coal fired power station, you incentivise not penalise renewables, and you don’t publicly fund giant irrigation schemes that will drive more intensive dairy farming.

“We’ve seen no sign from this Government that it’s willing to take the climate threat seriously or pull its weight globally.”

The latest Greenhouse Gas Inventory (released in May) showed New Zealand’s emissions are at their highest since 1990 and have increased 23% in 24 years. (1)

“A large part of New Zealand’s emissions profile can be put down to the pro-fossil fuels, pro-pollution policies favoured by this Government,” said Ms Simcock.

“John Key’s government is failing on climate change. This has to change if we’re to meet our global obligations and our obligation to future generations.”

