Greenpeace is condemning the National Party’s agricultural emissions policy as “yet more predatory delay”, saying that “the policy is an abject failure to address agricultural emissions and tackle the escalating climate crisis.”

Christine Rose, Greenpeace climate and agriculture campaigner, says “National’s policy is a dangerous denial of the science and reeks of dairy industry influence. We are running out of time to tackle the climate crisis, and the need for action grows stronger every day.”

“New Zealand’s biggest climate polluter is Fonterra and the dairy industry. The sector’s emissions of superheating methane have to be dealt with now, not some time in the future. We have the solutions. We just need the will from all political parties to get on with the job.

“A credible agricultural emissions policy would start with immediate action to reduce cow numbers and phase out synthetic nitrogen fertiliser, supporting a transition to more plant-based, regenerative organic agriculture.

“Ultimately, this year’s election will be a climate election. All political parties must take this crisis seriously and prioritise urgent climate action that genuinely reduces emissions. National’s agricultural emissions policy fails to do that.”

PETITION: Cut climate emissions from Big Dairy

Join our call on the Government to go further than the Climate Commission’s inadequate recommendations and cut climate pollution from NZ’s biggest polluter: industrial dairying.

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